Fallout themed party ideas?

Just be warned about the funko pop, they are addictive!

Imo, they could watch this instead of a movie.

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How old is your son?

He just turned 13

I was thinking about a party game you might be able to pull off. It does require a nerf gun or something similar. In Fallout New Vegas, there is a part in the beginning that teaches the player some of the basic mechanics of the game. (Gosh I’ve been long winded in some posts lately. So time to shorten it up!)

Basically, the protagonist is handed a BB gun and asked to shoot some empty bottles that are lined up a few feet away. I was thinking for a party game, you might be able to set up a few empty bottles for the kids to shoot with a nerf gun. One nerf gun should be enough and they can take turns to see who can get the most bottles. Maybe empty aluminum cans would be better suited as glass bottles might not tip over easily with foam bullets.

Oh and you could always do the Mexican piñata trick before the participant takes their turn. This means blindfolding the participant and asking them to spin in a circle quickly ten times before removing the blindfold and attempting their shots. That should be fun and bring a few laughs.

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In all my years of piniataing, we have always missed this last, and clearly crucial step! We always just let kids swing their bats totally blind. I feel like my entire life has been a lie! Obviously, you remove the blindfold! It would be reckless to spin a kid around and then just let them whack at things randomly!

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Haha no worries. Removing the blindfold is for babies! Us big kids swing at our relatives accidentally while wearing the blindfold. I only suggested removing it because nerf guns were involved! Wouldn’t want anyone getting a foam dart to the eye… or more importantly losing all the foam darts in one turn.

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you could make a vault wreath for the front door

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you could play a bunch of old music from the 1950’s


This is actually a brilliant idea. I liked it but want to emphasise it with a post.

Here’s some music from Fallout 1:


Has anyone mentioned perfectly preserved pie yet?

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How about printing off some nuka-cola labels and wrapping them around some glass coke bottles. https://www.deviantart.com/emptysamurai/art/sheet-of-nuka-cola-labels-208880800- I think these are for glass bottles, it describes them as Mexican.

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Wow guys, thanks so much!!

For posters, I found the following. Are they all from Fallout?

1523477979_514JdQF4VGL u2 8c2dd9486ba3c197d569c903a624395d%20(1) 300px-VaultTechTherewontreallybeanuclearwarright


I read the book so did Barack Obama I’ll never forget it.

I’m trying to come up with activities. So far I have

pin the nuclear explosion on the ruined city
Nerf gun firing range
And of course, taking turns playing the game on ps3.

I have to occupy 3 hours. Is 13 too old for dorky party games though? It’s sort of a weird in between age where they still want to act like kids but be treated as adults.


For the nerf gun firing range do you stuff like rad roaches to aim at? That would be a nice detail

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Does he know this party is happening?

And if so maybe ask him if there’s anything else he’d like to do?

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