Executive functioning difficulties

No doubt some/many will disagree with me on this. Executive functioning difficulties are the most cognitively disabling ones, IMO. Along with non bizarre paranoia, due to bullying related trauma, they are the main reason I’ve resisted pursuing further education. There’s a lot of knowledge in my brain that I struggle to get down effectively, in a typed/ written way, because of organising and planning difficulties.

On mentioning my difficulty prioritising multistep tasks, and that feeling of watching 20 channels each showing a different programmes, some have mentioned ADD. My response to that is -‘It surely would’ve been spotted a long time ago’. Or would it?


Maybe bring up the possibility of ADD with docs? If they arent looking for a condition, sometimes it can be overlooked.

For example, I just went to doc and said that Jardiance my be causing a UTI because of a bit of burning on urination. She then ordered a urine test. I just got the results back on thier website this morning and my ketones were high as was glucose in urine. There was something else that was high as well, but I cant remember. All these were outside of the normal range. It looked like no UTI on my analysis , anyway. I imagine my docs nurse will call me tomorrow and let me know what that means.

Anyway, my point is that sometimes things can be overlooked if you dont point docs in the right direction. I’m in no way saying you have ADD, but it wouldnt hurt to get them to rule it out for sure.

I dont know.

Thats my view.


I hope they can the fix the burning on urination for you asap. I’ve had that before-not nice. Ditto UTIs, but thankfully it’s been a good few years since the last one.

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I have a ■■■■ ton of problems with executive functioning issues. I can relate to what you’ve written. @firemonkey

I have been diagnosed with adhd. I question the diagnosis though at times. I understand that.

I don’t take any meds for it currently. Mostly because they cause psychosis and anxiety. I’ve tried ritalin, vyvanse, adderal, and nuvigil. All caused the same problems eventually. There was a nationwide shortage and I had to stop them.

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Exactly what I think happened to me…and I’ve always had issues with controlling my self and making good decisions.

Lately some of my issues have been under control but I choose to make bad decisions for other reasons… I’m tired of doing the right thing and feeling abused basically

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