Everyone is an actor

And crowds are extras. Pretending to work, walk, travel, discussing etc. Cameras everywhere. My own reality is a reality show.

My post on Facebook:

A funny post on Facebook was talking about the conspiracy guy who says that everything is a movie set, no one dies from virus, everyone is an actor. Whole countries are actors. Well, this is my experience with Truman show syndrome. Everyone is an actor, everything is a set, many extras, external conditions controlled in studio by the director etc. It goes well along with the belief that we are in computer simulation and everything happens with a button. It goes well along with my belief that all people are philosophical zombies, empty of internal world, devoid of feelings and thoughts. Empty carcasses, robots. In any case the same thing persists: I am the sole real being.

Am I right with the word extras?
I mean the people who don’t speak in a movie. They just pass, or be part of a crowd etc

Yes we would call that an extra in english, however I don’t think you should write all this stuff as you seem to be reinforcing your delusions

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Talking about an unusual belief makes it stronger? I don’t think so. I rationalize it and seek help

I just think the more time you spend thinking about it the more you can rationalize it. Just my opinion

OK, thanks. I’m trying to cope

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it seam that there are more actors syndrome out there then I can count, based on what they watch you may see people reacting old tv scene.all the fn time!

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This whole idea that people are “extras” in your life is pretty narcisisstic.

It’s just random people doing their own thing. Earth is a big place.

Only reason you feel like the center of attention is your partially treated schizophrenia.


Everyone is acting a role on lifestage. Its a big theater.
This idea is as old as theater.


we are living in a computer simulation.


I believe that, but it’s a big simulation. The people in it are real.

They don’t like cease to exist when you stop looking at them.

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who’s computer tho………………………….


I’m not trying to encourage anybody’s (possible) delusions. But this reminds me of the famous quote.

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Yeah, I think that outlook is conducive to narcissism and / or mental illness.

I used to be all enamored by that outlook. Now I don’t want to be the ■■■■■■■ center of attention everywhere.


Nobody would want that. It’s cruel and invasive.

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Sun is a spotlight. Everything is a part of the movie set. Director is like a small God, controlling all subjects and actors and extras

But I am a rebel. I unveil the mystery, the Arcanum, and get internally free from all restrictions


If you are indeed the leading character in this worldwide movie, then how come you aren’t getting paid…and why aren’t the Paparazzi banging down your front door?

I’ll tell you why. It’s because none of it is happening. You have an affliction/ illness which leads you to believe all of this nonsense.

I had the Truman Show delusion as well. I’ve been there…done that…got the t-shirt to prove it.


This is an illogical argument of yours.
If i would get paid, I would be aware of the truman show/reality. The meaning of reality show is to record the subject without him knowing.