Ever heard your own voice?

dad taped our conversation today, then played it back to me. on the recording my voice sounds different to me than when I listen with my own ears. I’ve heard a few people who say their voice sounds different to them when they hear a message or recording. and you?

Yeah I sound different on recording. I don’t like the sound.

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I used to hate the sound of my voice but now I think it’s actually OK.

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Yeah I sound squeaky

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I think my voice sounds a little distinguished. I like it. but then I sang Margaritaville by jimmy buffet and dad recorded it and played it back. haha my singing voice is terrible, I can’t carry a tune.


Ugh yeah I do not like hearing myself sing. But I still love singing so I do it anyway.

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I’ve posted my voice here a couple of times. It’s not very good.

I can’t stand the way I sound

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