I was always a Nintendo fan since I was a kid. I’ve had a nes, snes, n64, and a few years ago I had a WiiU but I think I am done with consoles.I prefer PC gaming and even then I have kinda lost interest.
I’m thinking of buying a switch. Just to have something to do.
But I’ve also lost interested in games. I guess I might be too old. I have a friend in my age he smokes weed before he plays, he says it makes him focus. I’m not going to smoke weed.
Yeah ,my age may have something to do with it too, I’m 43, plus I’ve played all genres of games a million times. There is nothing really new and I get bored, even feel like work sometimes.
I don’t touch weed either, don’t want to risk becoming psychotic. All my docs have said stay away from it because I have schizophrenia.
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