Employment Related Social Event

So the company I work for is having a big anniversary and not surprisingly they are organizing a social event to celebrate. Since I have worked there for three years I am expected to go, and people at work are asking me if I am going, furthermore I have to confirm attendance online. You’re probably thinking “so what, just go it will be fun”. But there are a few issues I have with it. The first issue is it is a purely social event, so I will have to spend a large amount of time zoned into some intersubjective crap conversations, but will probably zone out a lot making awkward situations. The second issue is that the event is on a big boat in the harbor, and being trapped on a boat with no escape is like being in a total institution and I have had bad experiences with those in the past. The third issue I have is that I have been to company parties before and dread the formation of a conga line, the inevitable slideshow set to Starship’s Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now with some picture of me in it that I would pay to have destroyed, and everyone encouraging me to get up and dance which can only create embarrassing awkward movements when it is pressured like that.

Anyway a poll

  • go to the party
  • dont go to the party

0 voters


…Actually, I was thinking this is what I imagine the 9th circle of Hell to be like.

Not meaning to discourage you in any way at all, just my opinion.

With that being said, “normies” have this weird thing with social gatherings.

The “polite” thing to do, as well as the best way to fit in (if that’s important to you), might be to attend for like, 3 hours and then boogie.

But who knows— once 3 hours have passed, you might actually find yourself enjoying it and want to stay longer.

Nothing wrong with taking a rain check, either.

Do what feels right for you.


You “got a migraine” and couldnt make it.

Simple simple.

I can understand the feeling trapped on a boat fear. That would make me not enjoy the celebration so I’d skip and wait for something not set on a boat etc.

Good luck deciding.


If you are doing your job. Get paid. Helping the company. That’s the important thing.

These events are optional for those who want to have status or be social. I’m sure corporate social events are nuanced and serve many functions.

But in the end optional.

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3 hours and boogie is good advice but although I said the boat is in the harbor it is going to be undocked and in transit around the harbor. I might have to steal a lifeboat to get out of there!


:rofl: Noooooo!

That’s when you just say “fuuck it,” and Michael Phelps your way outta there :rofl: :swimming_man:.


As someone who’s had to go to several office functions with severe agoraphobia at play, I’d say go. But really it depends. My job was in corporate, and I was working alongside directors and vps, my attendance was mandatory. I also was never made to be on a boat (I wouldn’t have gone to that one, I hate boats).

I don’t know what your work culture is like in Canada, but here in the US not attending these events can mean political consequences, and will likely be mentioned at the time of your performance review. Assuming you don’t have to worry about this, and all the other factors you point out, I wouldn’t go.



I had to attend as +1 for my spouse and his functions. He felt he needed to attend for his career.

Your right it depends.


Ah yes, the good ol’ corporate ladder…



They could pay me my entire salary for the night, and I still would not go.

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“Follow your nose!”

– Tucan sam


Make a doctors appointment for that day.

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Or just tell them you had to meet with your doctor and bump some Dr Dre … :sunglasses::vulcan_salute:

Still dre starts playing

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If you won’t get fired for skipping it then I would skip it. I got invited to some golf thing next Monday. I used to hate that I have a compression fracture on my T7, until now. I get a pass.

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Is it so simple though, I haven’t missed a day of work in three years, and it is during work time and goes into the evening.

I have mild anxiety about the boat but not fear, the anxiety is about being trapped not about the water.

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Yeah it is optional but people will speculate why you chose that option and their analysis of might be that you are not a team player, loyal to the company, or getting on well with your coworkers etc.

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Ohk being trapped with the people.

I can totally relate with ur situation. I tend to avoid social work events cos it’s like worrrk ppl.

So it feels pressured to make a good impression.

Maybe I can’t relate but that is how I would feel.
I would skip it if it is okay to do so…

Not trying to be lazy, but trying to save my work ass


dont get me started on that one, the country is really anal about work, it’s like the most important thing in the world