Empathy and psychosis

I seem to have less empathy when psychotic so meds help by stopping the psychosis and restoring my empathy


Psychosis makes me a mean monster

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I struggle feeling connected. I felt distant.

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I mostly feel pretty numb emotionally but i definitely still have lots of empathy wether on meds or not or psychotic. Theres been times when ive hurt people and seen the fear or pain in their facial expression. It kills me when i have seen that. Instantly stop whatever i was doing. Cause it like hurts my soul.

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Empathy has always been an issue for me. I am getting better at it, but it has taken a lot of practice.

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Ive generally not been very empathetic. Ive been working on it though. I tend to come off pretty blunt or a bit cold in person. Although my humor is intact :sweat_smile:

When i was psychotic I actually became overly empathetic and emotional but totally delusional.


I lack empathy, I find it hard to love anyone.

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I’m so fragged when psychotic that connecting with people becomes the least of my concerns

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The very fact that I could empathize with the fellow members of Narcotics Anonymous keeps me clean. I hadn’t been through as much and I won’t as a result of empathy.

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My empathy is all out of whack.

Sometimes I feel it waaaay too strongly and in random situations, and other times empathy is lacking when I need it.


I had more emotions on less medication and I cared about others. Now I’m a zombie, but I don’t dare lower it, or the noise sensitivity, and the more frequent voices, will come back.

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