Feel out of sorts. Struggling to describe it . Nostalgia? Sadness? Anxiety? A mixture?
Sorry you are feeling like that. Did it come out of nowhere or something started it? Giving words to feelings is hard…it isnt always clear…
I felt somewhat like it yesterday . I can’t link it to anything .
Have you tried a feelings guide @firemonkey ?
This is a difficult time of year. Lots of trauma memories & loneliness for me.
Holidays. Oooooooooo
I’ve briefly looked at one.
My friend had a psych who helped her find words for feelings. I did the same alone/with a friend.
I think it is good that you try it here! Do you have some you talk with about such things? How are you now?
I definitely identify as neurodivergent, so feelings can be difficult to describe. A friend of mine with autism posted a chart that has various descriptions of emotions. Not sure if I can find the pic though…
Anxious? /Fearful? sad? Hard to tell . Stepdaughter thinks it could be the Christmas effect .
Could be…many (including me) have that. Sorry you feel bad, whatever the exact name is of the feeling. Hope you feel better after all the holidays have finished.
I get periods when I have the feeling that “there’s something wrong with me” or “there’s something wrong with my personality”. I use CBT now when it happens and I start to ask CBT self-questions such as “please specify, what exactly is wrong. Please specify exactly what’s wrong with my personality”. I usually can’t answer or find anything specific wrong, and then go on to conclude “there’s nothing wrong”.
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