We have a few historic first hand accounts… a few more second hand… then a bunch of speculation…
I enjoyed the time lapse between accounts… the first is a thriving hub shrouded in awe and mystery detailing a cave with literally a labyrinth of passageways hundreds of shrines and atleast 2 pyramids… then its all down hill… with the later accounts pretty much any cave type ruins discovered containing 2 or more rooms becoming the lost labyrinth of ancient egypt… one account says a city was built ontop of the labyrinth the people of this city looted and cannibalized the labyrinth for builiding materials and monetary gain… but this would still leave an epic cavern… anyway i wonder if it was real or fairytale…
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Heres a nice compact overview on it. The reading isnt super long or overly detailed. The sources are cited ect ect… there is no tangible evidence really… they didnt have smart phones to snap pictures… the ruins are either hidden away…lost…destroyed or they never were… mostly its just a very cool story…
@anon40653964 i ment to tag you in this…
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It is partly true! Except they were not Egyptian. They worshipped ants and the tunnels still exist in a complex labyrinth like system carved into a cliff that used to be beneath the ground some idiots think they were annunaki. But nah, the desert got hot so they burrowed into a clay like mountain. I forgot where it is located specifically, but it is found somewhere in the what is called the middle east in modern day time. When I have more time I will try to Google the information. I want to say they are located in Syria. Anyway the Egyptian people knew about this so they wrote about it in hieroglyphic. A lot of historical artifacts were destroyed during what the military call the Arab Spring. Including ancient cuneiform tablets, luckily many are translated into Sanskrit. They predated the Chinese dynasties. The cradle of civilization was were the Euphrates and Tigris rivers met, eventually it became a lake which Is not called the Mediterranean sea and also the red sea. Before that we still gathered and were known as Hunter gatherers in Eden which is essentially all if Africa when it was full of natural crop. The hanging gardens of Babylon were later made where basic agriculture and farming is documented at the earliest (yes they farmed before but there is empirical evidence for the kingdom of Summaria and King Cyrus as it was known in the West after Alexander burned Timbuktu and rewrote the libraries in his favor at Alexandria. They farmed potato, spinach, and onion. Anyway I have been in a replica of the temple of Anubis which is what is found game at the great pyramid at Giza. Well gotta go for now. I enjoy your mutual interest in world culture and history.
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Wait… are you saying there is an even older than the egyptians great building civilization. Who carved the massive labyrinth in egypt whos marvels are said to surpass the great pyramids by many times… all to emulate their god bugs the ants… then the egyptians adapted it to their gods and customs making it probably the longest functioning ancient mega structure ever… but then we lost it to the sands of time?