More than a third of people who experienced psychosis with cannabis use later transitioned to schizophrenia, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis published online in Schizophrenia Bulletin.
Similarly, schizophrenia transition risk among people who experienced psychosis from hallucinogen or amphetamine use was also considerable.
Cannabis really helped my depression. Made my psychosis and prodromal symptoms way worse. I wasn’t even smoking a lot when psychotic and just gave up straight away.
I watch my family like a hawk. Some of the younguns don’t do well on pot so I keep them in the know and away from it. Not good with our family history.
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Im glad i actually managed to kick the habit. Yeah - great for making you laugh for a bit, but they dont tell you about the crippling paranoia and the voices you get afterwards. Nevermind the silly amounts of money i was wasting on it.