Don't want an IPhone 13

I’m really happy with the old IPhone SE. I like both my phone number and the phone. Everytime I get one I’m happy with they come out with a new one I hate. Is there any reason why I shouldn’t keep my SE? My friend is trying to convince me I need a 13.

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There is SE 2 also.

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Thanks @Yellowdiamond. I didn’t know that.

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No - only reason if you want a better camera and screen and speed.

If those things are not important to you than be happy with the SE.

Im on the 13 mini. Supposedly 14 will discontinue the mini.


I’m happy with the one I have. It takes sufficient pictures to mobile deposit a check to my bank.

I think phones have peaked as far as features.

I wonder if I will break my upgrade cycle from yearly to just keeping what i have.

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Thanks @Kxev. I guess you have to upgrade when they no longer support the old one.

My brother is going to buy the iPhone 14 when it comes out later this year. Now he has an iPhone 8 Plus.

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Battery, updates.
What i read they last quite long.


I can’t tell how the camera in my new model is better than the camera in the previous model, which I loved.


Thanks @Aziz @Daze

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Thanks @shutterbug @Yellowdiamond

I use to update everything - but without a working - i really dont need a super phone.

But i was or maybe still am an apple addict.


Yeah I’m happy with my iPhone 13 Mini
But I’ll probably be getting the iPhone 14 when it comes out this September


I want burger :hamburger:

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I said i want burger

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This is how it works right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking::laughing:

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Thanks @Wave @Kxev @POET Just got off with my therapist.


Nice glad you were able to meet with them. Any news you want to share? I should maybe start therapy too

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Not really. I wasn’t able to tell my therapist everything. I don"t want the trouble it would cause.

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