There is a debate about whether or not you should use porn at all, and if you do whether you should pay for it. Given that the average age of a female porn star is 36 years, something has to change. I would suggest donating to a charity such as “Beyond the Streets” which works to give sex workers support from abuse and greater opportunities in life beyond sex work every time you use porn, if you are going to use it at all. Personally I think abstinence is the best policy, but that is hard even for me. Thank you.
There is many unfortunates in this world. If you will think about helping them all you will become crazy. I have full SZ and that’s enough problems.
Rich people can help them but not me, I am poor.
I am not saying give beyond your means, but you have to question your consumption of “free” porn when you know that the women working in the industry are dying on average at the age of 36.
Who has a life expectancy of 36 years. Why?
Schizophrenics born where and when I was have a life expectancy of 51 years.
I understand a lot of taxi drivers and prostitutes are schizophrenics. For one thing, the hours appeal to schizophrenics.
When I watch porn I give to myself.
Okay. Now I feel bad bc charities would only have gotten money from me in my very early 20s. I’m 36 now.
I stopped donating to my local animal shelter because no matter how much I donate, they keep asking for more and more.
i prefer donation to sexual worker with their free sexual service provided afterwards instead of consuming porn
People are very divided over pornography. For me, it is sensory overload. It loses its effect on me fairly quickly. If they legalized prostitution it might make the prostitutes safer than if they are hiding in the shadows, where their pimps can abuse them.
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