thats some hi tech poop policing
I poo bombed a Welsh language student at the University of Wales. On the side of the building there was graffiti saying Llewellyn the only Prince of Wales. And I lobbed a carrier bag full through his window into his study room.
Wow! Europa lol
This is nuts!!! I can’t believe it!
The dog Poo police has just upgraded itself.
Canine Emission Police Unit
CEPU pronounced “See poo”
This has been my contribution to the forum today. You’re welcome.
Poo-poo PD!
Freeze! Put your paws where I can see them
Imagine being the guy who’s job it is to do this
What do you tell your date?
I…I aaa…I’m a doggy poop forensic detective
I wonder what the the person whose job this is puts on their resume to make it sound more professional. Canine waste detection specialist?
Lmaooo that’s funny
I’m in the forensics unit… Canine division
Lmao! Hilarious!!!
maybe the guy who yelled at you about the dog poop accident should be the first officer of the dog poop committee He has a good eye for finding poop
To the next bird that craps on my car I will find you.
@ThePickinSkunk, Avian Waste Detection Specialist Extraordinaiire
Tucan Sam is the first poo detective. His strategy has always been to follow your nose.
Looooool good one
What a pooptastic thread!
Speaking of animal poo, our family cats tend to poo in the bath or under the sink. They have a litter tray but only use it half the time.
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