Does vaping leave a detectable odor in the room?

We aren’t allowed to smoke on property. I’m not sure about vaping. Does it smell up the place?

Mine did not. I vaped inside even though I smoked outside. It might depend on the flavors you get though. Mine was a really cheap vaping device with generic smelling pods.


I wasn’t allowed to smoke at my last two places and vaped in them all the time.

Never had a problem with odor.

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Don’t tell them you vape @leaf.
They could consider it smoking and you may lose your housing.

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so with vaping do you vape for 5 minutes and then stop for an hour like you do with a cigarette? Or do you just every once in awhile hit it?

I just take a couple hits every time I feel like it.

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No, mine dont stink - just a hint of vanilla in the air when i smoke it indoors - so it aint bad.

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It’s no worse than a scented candle. The scent doesn’t linger like weed or tobacco.


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