It's odd about vaping

I keep on vaping but I’m still wanting my morning cigarette. Why is that?

How long since you quit smoking now??

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This is my first day

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I was gaming on my phone for close to seven eight months,then I cannot control and got myself a new console.Phone(vaping),console(smoking).How I wish I didn’t get the console but stick to phone gaming

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Give it some time. Idk :man_shrugging: hard to break habits. It’s more than just chemical. You’re used to smoking but it’ll get easier in a week I feel. If I’m wrong then it wouldn’t be the first time but be strong :muscle:!!!

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For me, vaping doesn’t feel real.
I had bought an expensive one,
but i threw it away.

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It takes a while to get over cigarettes even if you’re vaping. Nicotine isn’t the only thing in tobacco that’s addictive but it’s the strongest. That’s my made up theory anyway.

Just don’t buy any cigarettes. You’ll get over them quickly enough.


@everhopeful how long will it take?

About a week from what I remember.

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What is the nicotine content of your vape vs your cigarette, maybe your vape isn’t meeting you nicotine requirements?

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idk, they are disposable vapes and it doesn’t say on them how much nicotine it is. But I did smoke light cigs

hmmm, some disposable vapes have zero nicotine. My very first vape, when I decided to try it for the first time just to see what it was like, was a disposable vape I bought at the local convenience store and it was zero nicotine.

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You probably won’t get far with those.

Do you have a vape shop nearby? They can advise you on the current vaping setups.

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I’ll check the website where I bought them.

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  • 50mg Nicotine Salt Based E-Liquid

That’s what it says, is that good?

I think “good” is a relative term. If you personal nicotine requirements are high from your cigarettes then it may not be enough, but that being said 50mg is considered pretty high.

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Actually that’s good.

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We unfortunately don’t have a smoke shop here.

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I think 50mg nic salt should do the trick. You should be ok.

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I bought several different kind, but this one is the one I like. I don’t cough when I hit it and I like the flavor.

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