I’m on abilify and want to take the supplement milk thistle does anyone know if it is safe to do so. I have heard that psychosis and schizophrenia are from inflammation of the brain and was wondering if I could take this supplement to combat it.
Milk thistle can be a little bit tricky to take if you are on medication. It is considered to mainly be a liver tonic, and basically cleans your liver for toxins, including drugs. Meaning that your drugs might work less efficient because your liver is trying to get rid of it.
I would recommend to be careful if you want to try it, and not use it long term. There are other anti-inflammatories that are better to use if anti-inflammation is your main goal. Amongst others you could take fish oil, drink pomegranate juice or take oregano.
i take it for my liver.
I take olanzapine 10mg. And I will try Milk Thistle for my liver. I sometimes feel tried now.
And I also take Benztropine for side-effects.
I wonder Milk Thistle is ok for olanzapine.
How about your opinion?