Does anyone here have a command voice?

I talk with my psychiatrist every month about the voice that I hear. It’s different than what I heard before I was medicated. Before I was medicated, I thought I heard multiple neighbor voices talking to me. Now I hear one voice. I was wondering if it was a command voice. My psychiatrist has never called it that or thought it was that, but I wonder…

Does anyone here have a command voice? What is your experience with it? Thank you.

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Yes! I explained this to a nurse before when they were asking about voices. Said mine were more like commands, almost like a very strong impulse to do something. Sometimes it’s things that are considered wrong, but it somehow works out in the end.


Most of my voices commanded me to do things. It was hard to ignore. The meds helped.


The medications I’ve been on leave me with the same thing. There’s this one voice. I told my pdoc what it says, and I’ve rated the severity of it numerous times. The thing she’s been concerned about is if it tells me to hurt myself or someone else. It doesn’t.

My psychiatrist told me not long after she started seeing me that I might always hear a voice. I guess it is what it is.

Thanks for answering @Turtle44 and @anon90598247.


Mine always did. They never said to hurt anyone else.

Sorry your experiencing this though. It’s difficult I know.


Not really commanding. One voice will pop up in my head that enthusiastically says things like “lets do x” or something bad.


I have a command voice that I call the narrator/moderator. He’s always telling me to do stuff and provides sarcastic narration on almost all that I do. He’s the one that they have never been able to get rid of. Been around since I was 8 so I don’t think he’s going anywhere. I sympathize with you, sometimes mine wants me to hurt myself especially if I am psychotic.

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No command voices. Only Vicky. She more of a PIA.

If you want the sarcastic answer its Alexa.

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I used to have a command voice who would say ‘jump, jump’ whenever I was on a balcony, terrace or bridge.

It was really annoying and upsetting. Luckily that doesn’t happen anymore these days.

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I have had them before. I ignore the bad ones. Some tell me to read different things or listen to specific songs, fast for different time periods…

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No. My auditories are not viewed as a credible authority by me. I am disdainful of them. They are pathetic, spiteful people.

If they command me to do anything, they don’t have much luck.

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