I hear things like “slap yourself”, “stand up”, “don’t move”, “kill, kill”, “die before we kill you”, “open and close the window”
Before I was on the right medication …yes. I hope my new medication is as good as the old one.
I had a lot of command voices when I first got sick @Om_Sadasiva .
Not anymore tho.
I have a rule with my voices, no commands and no questions. If they make a command or ask a question I ignore it.
I got a lot of command delusions of reference when I was psychotic but not anymore.
meds help with command hallucinations
are they bad at the moment? hows your sleep?
I used to they would tell me thinks like read a book go to school them when I was signing up for school they were saying good by like it was all over and I didn’t end up going to school. They used to tell me that I needed to slap people or touch people in inappropriate ways they just told me to throw my phone or go to hell not to post this they full of crap
All day command halusitations or go to hell never would listen still not in hell and when I did and they promised me eternal life nothing listen to them all day for about a week of fear
No I dont…37
I used to. Now, I’m more stable.
Could be to see if you would ACT OUT THE COMMANDS always give it the brush off
That sounds like torture.
I hope it will go away.
I don’t have it.
I used to have voices for a few years but I can’t remember them commanding me.
It’s against my belief as I don’t believe anyone is superior to me or has a right to boss me about unless I allow it and appreciate it such as a fire man helping me etc
Remember things can get better.they did for me and I hope they do for you too.
You are so strong to go through every day with such.
Say to them fu ck you I won’t do as you tell me like that song with rage against the machine.
Love to you and good wishes.
Someone could frighten me to do as they say but I still wouldn’t believe they are superior but I might do as they say if it was incredibly bad but hopefully I wouldn’t.
I don’t, but I have no respect for the irritating ones and could care less, what they want anyone to do.
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