Does anyone else not work? What do you do in your free time?

I’m thinking about getting a benefit because I don’t know if I can work, because of my fear of thinking that everyone is against me, but I don’t know if I’ll get the benefit, The medicine doesn’t take away my paranoia, but I’m thinking about working anyway, what do you do in your free time?


I study and exercise mainly. I also spend a lot of time on my phone chatting to people.

Besides that I have this forum and doc appointments.

And an occasional holiday every now and then.


Yeah i haven’t worked in a while. Might be starting some as a removalist. I mostly read, walk to and from places i need to go to, listen to music. Stuff like that. Hang out with my partner.


I study or spend time with family.


I manage my day to day life, I mow my dads office and my moms yard, I have day treatment, I visit family and talk to a few friends. I don’t do a whole lot honestly. I seem to stay occupied though. It’s a lot of laying around on the couch on my phone. My mom calls it research.


I listen to a lot of music…all the time…that and look through my art and architecture books, or gazing at my living room wall which includes all my collections and art too. It’s not much , but it keeps me happy…that and being online…a whole day operation…haha


I watch a lot of youtube videos during the day - usually social documentarys and those claiming benefits.

Im a lazy sod actually - im never usually off the sofa. But im in bed by 6pm usually - when ive had enough, and put an audible book on for a couple of hours.


I’ve worked not much in my life, honestly.

Finished nothing but the school.

One year was the longest i worked in companys.

Little jobs like renew old furniture, empty and cleaning ships in a harbour, washing dishes in a restaurant lasted longer, if i felt not able to work, someone other did the job, or reversed.

Longest time i repaired electronics, i did that of my own, i worked in between for carpenters, throwing windows and doors in and out, i neglected my electronic job because of that and lost it.

Good thing was that i build my little “house” where i live in whilst the carpenter job.

It was a dream since i can think to build my own house.

Actually i felt that i can do no job, 3 years of harassment, less sleep, poisoned , I feel good when I’m in the garden, harvesting tobacco or tea, lying around on my mat on the lawn, making music, talking to the birds, more response there


I sit around all day reading Facebook or listening to music. Every week I meet with my Nurse and psychologist.


I have my support staff for company during the day, I spend time with them. I go for little walks around the cemetery every morning around 6am. Visit my fav websites and listen to music, mainly yt dance music from the 90s. I tend to go to bed early. I have my 3/4 holidays a year to look forward too, but only been on one this year as next year going to have epic holidays which I’m now planning.


I’m retired. I volunteer instead of working. In my free time, I have lots of activities I do like: reading, piano playing, prayer, yoga, walking, strength training, Spanish language study, spa attendance, cultural events, Netflix, YouTube, clubbing, world and domestic
travel, friends and family.


I cook breakfast and dinner everyday, I clean, spend time with my daughter, listen to books, surf the web, watch tv, go to many dr appointments as I have multiple ailments, therapy including individual and group when it’s available, and spend time with my husband and friends.


I mess around on the internet. My exercise has dropped way off, which isn’t necessarily bad. I wish I could do some swimming. I doubt if I’ll get on a boat any time soon, but if I fell off a boat I’d like to be able to swim to the shore.


I spend time on Internet


I watch tv and go on the internet


I pray for quiet, cool weather and a clean home/self hygiene. If i get all im calmer


I study, travel as much as it’s possible, also these days I spent lots of time with my family…

Overall I play pc, sometimes read books, often watch news on TV and listen to music a lot


I don’t have the luxury not to work. It would mean living hand to mouth, which I hate. So I’ve found a part-time job that isn’t too stressful. My other time is spent watching movies, browsing youtube, sometimes reading or going on walks. My favorite seasons for being outdoors are spring and autumn.

I used to have more hobbies, some techy, some artsy, but I’ve gradually grown bored. It’s a pity. I’m trying to at least not ditch books completely, as reading is good brain exercise.


I don’t work, I mostly just do my hobbies, sometimes the anxiety is bad though.


Me too, but my problem is anxiety and voices telling me bad things.