I think he’s a self-righteous ass and has no business being a ■■■■■■■ mod
No. Not really.
Pix is ‘aces’ in my book…
Something tells me you’re just having a bad day, Kellie.
Nope. I think he does a good job as Moderator, as well as being an inspiration lifestyle wise. Plus he has schizophrenia.
I really like Pixel. He’s honest and hard when he has to be.
This site isn’t like the rest… it comes off more recovery focused… it’s more informative … it’s not a grip fest… I think that is due to our mod’s.
Lots of arguments to help stop…
Lot’s of people to gently redirect… Spammers and trolls to thin out.
It’s all volunteer time…
I’ve seen a lot of Mods on here get called names.
It makes me sad when I see that.
It’s not easy being a mod.
Being a self-righteous ass can be fun sometimes. You should try it once in a while, Kellie!
I knew @shutterbug outside the forum for some time. We we friends on Google+ and had exchanged emails a number of times over the years. Then one day I swore at him over Google+ and he banned me here for a week and claimed I was stalking him and harassing him.
Im jealous of his powers.
I wouldn’t want his volunteer job…moderating all of you misfits. I’d lose it and go crackers.
(Or more crackers than I already am)
Pixel’s a good guy really. Things get difficult you know- it presses people to the limit.
I’m lucky that I can just resign as a failure with no responsibilities attached.
As schizophrenics we’ve got the world judging us - let’s not judge each other - peace.
Hey, that horse is doing the moonwalk!
Then maybe that shows he’s as vulnerable as the rest of us?
Please be civil and supportive and if you offer criticism try to make it constructive. That’s what I think.
Is this thread made to roast pixel lol
In all honesty though, he works, he has sz just like me and he is a mod. I have no complaints…
I think he’s the man