Does anybody like Landon Donavon? How good do you think he is compared to the rest of this earth?
Best soccer players play in Europe where the money is. I think he did a stint in the Premier League? So I’ve heard of him but I’m not really a soccer fan but follow the top level.
Yes Donavon, played in the premire league. If I remember right, he played for Everton.
He was one of the best players the U.S. has had. The U.S. men’s team has improved significantly over the last 10 years. I still don’t think they have a chance at winning the world cup but they beat Mexico more often now. Landon Donovan was a solid player for the U.S. I think they have better players all around now. He did well to improve the team.
Oh, I forgot to mention if you’re a fan of his, he is currently the coach of a team in San Diego called the San Diego Loyals. Every few months there is a short news segment on them and he often gives an interview. He still has a career in football.
Is that an indoor football team, or an outdoor football team?
Outdoor. They’re not in the MLS yet. They’re a regional team. At one point there was talks of San Diego acquiring a football team for the MLS. They dwindled over a vote to demolish the stadium the San Diego Chargers used to play at. I forgot exactly what happened. I remember it had something to do with the owners of the stadium asking taxpayers to keep it. The people voted against it.
I think Landon was one of the top 10 players on this earth while he was playing. I think he would have even better if he was confident, with the sport of football. In my opinion Landon was the best football player in American history. I don’t know how good Polosic(spelling) is. What team does Polosic play for?
It’s tough to say. Football has had some amazing players. I can say he still is among the top 10 best U.S. football players of all-time though.
Dempsey was a very good American player as well. I think Dempsey was at least the top 5 best American players there is.
Pulisic plays in Europe right now. I forgot what team. He definitely has potential to be among the best in the U.S. men’s team. He makes excellent passes in plays. I think the U.S. team needs to work on their chemistry. He’s a very good striker. Still has plenty of time to shine with the U.S. ability wise I think he might be better than Landon Donovan. When I watch him play it feels like he just hasn’t quite found his role.
Who do think is better, Messi or Ronaldo? I think Messi is a little better than Ronaldo.
I think Messi is the better all around player. My brother in law and I have argued over this extensively. He thinks Ronaldo is better heh.
I got to see Landon in person. He signed my football ball.
That’s pretty cool. He does seem like a good person on and off the field.
Yes, I think he is a good person.
I think a bunch of American players don’t have a heart for the game. That is why, they are not as good. I get frustrated with watching the American team because they don’t pass very well.
Oh man, Mexico’s team has a similar problem. Everyone wants to be the star and score goals. Sometimes teammates make a good run and instead of passing it forward or to the wingers they pass it back to midfield then make a run themselves. It’s not cohesive football.
Where are you from @schizophrenisaurus?
Tijuana. I’ve lived in California most of my life now.