Does anybody have family members that gets on your nerves

I was just wondering, if anybody has family members that gets on your nerves. My brother-in-law gets on my nerves. I keep thinking don’t judge him, and I think I am not perfect either…but he still gets on my nerves.


Yes, I do. I struggle most with a family member who is totally emotionally unstable. She just shouts and insults people like it’s nothing. I try to minimize my contact with her.


I think low contact is the way to go with difficult people.

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My step-sister cut off our grandad for 15 years, and he never saw his great grandchildren

Her mother died last year, and now she’s not talking to my step dad

She really is a nasty person when it comes to treating family like this.

I really wanted to say something to her for all these years, but I was prevented from doing so


I’ll never understand my brother.
It must be painful to be a Narcissist.

I’m usually the family member who gets on everyone’s nerves


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