Does anybody have a good day planned

I need to go to the bank and get my disability check. That’s about it, so I don’t have a good day planned, but something might pop up.

I’m going to go play at mental health at the art center and make something cool for a couple hours in between other things that I have to do.

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I’m picking up my paycheck today.

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I’ve got a lot of homework to do today.

Work, I’ve got to install programs on 2 PCs and then mess with settings in the programs.

Tomorrow is Friday though!

I don’t do anything in particular.

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Went and got a haircut. Now I have a few hours to kill before I order some Chinese food.

i played starcraft and was in gym now i will rest . maybe i play more starcraft if i have motivation. will do nothing till tommorow. not much there is that i can do

Im excited! I have a job interview and so far they really like me :upside_down_face: I can’t wait till I get started

Had a busy day planned but got s call at 7:30 AM from a major buyer, they got hacked and are having to shut down parts of their operation to sort it out

Going to move today hopefully volunteer tomorrow. I might have to return some items also and go grocery shopping.

Not really good or bad, just typical light routine. But I have to pick up meds and get cash out maybe. My pace can be really really slow today so that will be good for me.

Just been working today, and now planning some good days ahead: Two days fishing trip with a friend of mine on an island between Denmark and Sweden, cod, seatrout, plaice.

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