Do your voices ever control you?

So this is fairly normal and my pdoc knows about this type of phenomenon. So for examply im having a cough drop this morning and my voices go “we could make you choke on that” then they say see and they make me swallow but not the cough drop. The voices never actually hurt me just threaten but having them control a part of my body is unnerving.

Can any of you guys relate?


I’ve felt this way before yeah. But then again I always had a choice to listen to the voices or not to, but it’s like they were saying there was some type of reward or punishment for listening to them or not so it was pretty hard. I’d say its all made up and just part of the illness, so I would try not to listen and see what happens

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I got horrible intrusive thoughts for whom I was getting judged daily and my voices claimed one or more of them were sending them to my brain to torture me.

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CBT taught me to identify the difference between hallucinations and real noises. It also taught me how to manage them so that they do not distract me. Meds also helped. While I still have auditory and visual hallucinations, I’ve learned how to deal with them so that they don’t usually interfere with life.


the voices i heard tormented my mind

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Appreciate everyone sharing their experiences makes me feel more normal

I used to have “command” hallucinations that would tell me to hurt myself, but I haven’t had any of those in a very long time.

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Back when I had voices, they definitely controlled me.
Not in the sense of telling me to do something and then I immediately did it. Except when I was so psychotic I lost all touch with reality.

Mostly it wasmore like they told me to do something, and then yelled at me to do it until they wore me down to a breaking point where I desperately wanted to stop. Then they’d promise to stop if I just did what they asked.
They never stopped.

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The voices in my head are angry annoying abusive violent controlling they try to stop me from doing everything I enjoy doing every time I get ready to do something they become angry and aggressive and start cursing at me insulting me telling me to shut up this is what is happening to me now they try to stop me from getting on social media it just gets worse everyday even worse I see things they put images in my head of old pictures of me from the past they are ruining my life everyday I never have any peace joy or freedom i been dealing with these voices off and on since 2016 nothing has been the same

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Im sorry to hear that yours are still that bad!

I’ve had my mouth move sometimes where it seemed like the voices are trying to talk out of my mouth. Very unnerving.



They were trying to convince me I should be in hell when I die.
Eventually I started to believe it eventhough it didn’t make sense that I should be the only candidate for eternal hell.

So, yea, the psychosis can control my brain. :expressionless:

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Mine do that occasionally still, alot during full psychosis

I also feel dizzy and lightheaded when they seem to be talking out of my mouth.

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while delusional…first it was “the scientists” I was talking to…but later these messages I was believing I was receiving from the scientists became the voice of Christ…yes I followed everything He told me. Saved me from drowning once.

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Exactly the same for me. The level of voices I can handle now without any stress because of my CBT training is actually higher than what I had at the time I lost it and tried to cut out my own pacemaker because I was commanded to. I regard meds as the first step towards being able to do CBT to really get the illness under control. If you’re only relying on meds you’re passing up on the biggest part of recovery.


My (written) voices used to control me in a big way. Or rather, I used to almost always obey what they commanded.


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