I think it really brings out my dark features,
but many people couldn’t believe it
when I bought black kitchen table chairs,
went from multi colored to that.
Black jeans or pants, black hoodie, black shoes.
yeah I have black Hawkeyes hoodie, but that’s your uniform colors, black and gold.
In true color black is white and white is black so that if you’re truly seeing the real color it is white anyway what I wanted to say is a lot of people Clash furniture I have a black leather couch with black curtains in a white room however my kitchen is very colorful
the wallpapering is in my kitchen is colorful, but the fridge, and stove and dishwasher are black, mainly cuz that’s the only way they make em.
I like black as a color. I think it’s cool. but when I was depressed several years ago I could not stand it. In stead I bought items in white. Now I am no longer depressed and can accept black color. I bought a down jacket in black color last year and wore it the whole winter…
do you look good in white?
it may or may not have been something I heard
that you shouldn’t wear white in professional pictures. idk.
My wife likes light furniture whereas I trend towards black. My clothing is more along the lines of what’s good and cheap at the thrift store.
Black is classy.
I don’t like wearing a lot of black because it reminds me of funerals and strict religious people.
Unless you own a calico cat and she’s storing a bunch of her excess hair on it.
big deal.
Well hello Ms. Cranky Pants!
Y’all need more cof-fay.
Or do Americans have covfefe now?
I lose track.
Are you the kind that shaves even his own chest hair?
Oh lemme guess, velociraptors have scales lol.
Almost all of my wooden furniture is black. We even painted the kitchen cabinets black when we moved in. The cabinets were an awful faded brown, before.
My clothes are a mixture of darks and brights. Just depends on how I want to dress on any given day.
I find black attractive on women
Sounds like too much work. I have bald patches more often than not from the local hospital shaving the areas where electrodes go. No hair grows where I have lots of scar tissue, either. My wife can shave the remaining hair if the patchiness bothers her.
Not going to try shaving the cat - don’t want my hands shredded.
I don’t really wear black. I find it a depressing color, lacking in life.
Plus, it makes me look pale and dull.
I wear a lot of blue and grey, very rarely black.
I like black and I wear a lot of black and I always have. I also like gray and/or silver. My living room decor is brown and black though.