i curious about if there many ppl here like me
crazy about watching porn movies (long video more thank hour ) and see fantasies
and feel free from all society restrictions on sex life
do you like to do so ??
i dont like porn at all it is bad
i love porn
i dont mind watch them
dont want answer
just question i wd like to ask
sorry if it is inconvenient
My best friend used to give me like 250Gb of HD porn he downloaded at his university
We used to watch porn together at his parents house #nohomo lol
He’s now a cardiologist and have a gf, we don’t talk anymore bcz of my sz and bcz he is too busy.
I find that both sports and sex are fun to do yourself, but really boring to watch others to do.
I can read body languge fairly well and I know from some of the porn I’ve seen that many of the female perfomers were not at all happy to be in the videos, but were out of better options. I don’t like being an accessory to an abusive situation.
This is one of the reasons i don’t watch porn. The others being:
I know too many sex workers and do not want to accidentally see my friends in those positions
The step-family stuff is physically nauseating to me, as someone raising nonbiological teenagers, and it is so common it shows up in almost every possible search result
A lot of the common positions in porn are things i have tried myself and know are not enjoyable and mostly just a bit painful.
I like reading porn. I highly prefer being able to imagine a situation than watching it. But i also usually prefer reading to watching tv or movies in general.