Do you watch porn?

i curious about if there many ppl here like me
crazy about watching porn movies (long video more thank hour ) and see fantasies
and feel free from all society restrictions on sex life
do you like to do so ??

  • yes
  • no
  • sometime
  • i dont like porn at all it is bad
  • i love porn
  • i dont mind watch them
  • dont want answer

0 voters

just question i wd like to ask
sorry if it is inconvenient

Yes and I love it

But still, I try and limit it to a reasonable amount of times per week.

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No. I don’t have any problems with it, but I don’t need it.


I stay away from it because my addicting personality would soon get sucked in by the pretty and the handsome. I know me well enough to say no to it.

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Porn really doesn’t do it for me.


Yes I watch 4K Ultra HD porn and I am proud of it. Used to watch 3D HD porn but lost my 3D glasses.



Yes I need porn now that Im on aps. My imagination will only get me hard maybe 20% of the time but porn will do it every time.


Sometimes… 1554

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No. Sex is yucky


Only if you don’t shower first.


Haha fair enough :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I don’t like porn. It’s degrading and gross. I watched some when I was younger and I wish I hadn’t. It’s disgusting in several ways, imo.


My best friend used to give me like 250Gb of HD porn he downloaded at his university :joy:
We used to watch porn together at his parents house #nohomo lol
He’s now a cardiologist and have a gf, we don’t talk anymore bcz of my sz and bcz he is too busy.

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  1. I find that both sports and sex are fun to do yourself, but really boring to watch others to do.

  2. I can read body languge fairly well and I know from some of the porn I’ve seen that many of the female perfomers were not at all happy to be in the videos, but were out of better options. I don’t like being an accessory to an abusive situation.


I’m not going to lie - i despise porn, but i do respect everyone’s right to watch or participate in it if they wish.

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Sex is different than masturbation :stuck_out_tongue:

This is one of the reasons i don’t watch porn. The others being:

I know too many sex workers and do not want to accidentally see my friends in those positions

The step-family stuff is physically nauseating to me, as someone raising nonbiological teenagers, and it is so common it shows up in almost every possible search result

A lot of the common positions in porn are things i have tried myself and know are not enjoyable and mostly just a bit painful.


I like reading porn. I highly prefer being able to imagine a situation than watching it. But i also usually prefer reading to watching tv or movies in general.


I haven’t watched a porn since they were sold as VHS copies. Could never get into it.
