Do you think we are wiser than your average joe?
Maybe in some ways, but not all ways. There are different types of wisdom. I think a lot of us are lacking in some types, but are rich in other types.
I’m not intelligent but I would say I’m not stupid.
I’d say you’re an intelligent guy seriouslydisturbed, and I think we are just as wise as average joes.
I watch Jerry Springer and COPS and it reminds me that people in general can be unwise though. It’s a big varied world out there.
I would say I’m very smart but I’m the opposite of wise.
I often ask myself the same thing… I’m not diagnosed, but I have a big obsession with the government. The government ain’t good and I truly believe that, sometimes I wonder that if I were to ever even go tell anybody how I feel about it all they’d just pin me and label me because I know and everyone else is a sheeple. They want to make me look crazy because I know what’s going on. I have a fear thats exactly what it is. Sz people are just smart as ■■■■ and the government don’t want anyone knowing that so they make them seem ‘crazy’ to your every day human being so we can’t spread any sort of message without anyone just simply looking past it and thinking it’s illogical.
Some people think that the blue collar worker has below average intelligence. I am not a blue collar worker and some people think I have above average intelligence because of my poetry and writing skills, and my vocabulary. But I can’t put up a building, create a road, fix a machine a car or a plumbing leak. There are also lower wage jobs that I can’t do but is fundamental to my life like growing food, slaughtering animals, keeping water clean and drinkable, and keeping the a/c running. I also can’t play an instrument or make a dunk. The people who do may have a cuss word for every other word they use and use the worst grammar in the World but they have a wisdom I don’t possess.
I like turtles
Even the ones that can’t read music?
I don’t think this question is something you can generalize about. So-called normal people do stupid things and schizophrenic do stupid things. Everybody suffers. Some schizophrenics are smarter than non-schizophrenics and vice-versa. It’s just not something you can generalize about.
You try to control yourself, Dangerman
I’m wise in some things but an idiot in plenty of others. There are definite tradeoffs.
I think the people that find this forum are far above your average Joe sz. The top 1% of the 1% afflicted I like to say.
I think if you can recover from psychosis that is far more than any average Joe has to endure, so from that perspective you learn more about yourself and what you’re made of. Tough stuff if you get through it, and tougher still with every hammering on the anvil of life.
I was just thinking about how turtles seem wise. A little green baby water turtle I found made me want to keep him I was so Impressed. And those big old slow Galapagos turtles that saw Charles Darwin come + go…or maybe it’s in our heads.
Oh most certainly I’m a fugggen prick looooooolool
recognized foolishness is just a potential platform for growth…
don’t be afraid to talk about that ■■■■… insights should be shared…
if you are a conceited narcissist… you’ll probably eventually meet someone you care enough about that they will cut you the ■■■■ down inside and you’ll appreciate it… humans are strange… balance is functional… seek balance… I think it’s a natural drive/phenomenon…
I think we have the kind of wisdom that comes from bitter experience. Sometimes I am amazed at my own folly.
I’ve gained wisdom from SZ that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise, so there’s that. In terms of raw cognitive ability, my experience is that the average SZ has less of it than the average population, not more. I know I’ve taken a cognitive hit myself.
I see intelligence and wisdom as two different things.
In many cases I think intelligence boils down to being able to figure out the best thing to do, and wisdom is having the ability to do the best thing.
So like for example I lacked the wisdom for years to give medication a fair chance, I had things like fear, pride and anger getting in the way. But I was smart enough to figure out early on that mental illness runs like a wildfire in my family tree and that I probably got some of it, too. Even to this day I often lack the wisdom to communicate properly with professionals. Sometimes I still self-sabotage like trying to starve myself because I’m a dysfunctional mess.
I think I’m wiser than most in some ways, certain specific ways, but I’d really be kidding myself to think that I am wiser in general. I still have plenty of growth left to do if I live long enough.
Oppression makes a wise man mad.
Has anyone not been oppressed before?