Do you think love songs sung by male artists have a creepiness vibe to them?

i just heard an old beatles song the other day, and for some reason it seemed like they had ulterior moves singing about love. it’s like they wanted to be popular and coudn’t sing about what they really wanted! i don’t know i don’t normally feel this way, but i can’t shake the feeling


Writing love songs is a time-honored tradition it seems. It’s where most artists start, because it’s familiar

Then when they feel comfortable in their own skin, the real s*** comes out

Just my theory anyway


I still prefer a males voice to a womans. Something real cringe about a woman droning on about love.


I seem to like male voices better. I like a few female sung songs, but mostly male. I also prefer stories with male leads. It’s weird considering how much I support women’s rights.


I hate most female vocalists. There. I said it.

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I dislike all love songs. Thats why i listen to metal!

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I don’t hate them, but I’m not a huge fan. Except for Pink. I like her songs.

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Lots of 60’s songs come across as creepy I agree. There are lots of songs that have clearly been written about sex but just don’t explicitly say it.

I don’t think it being a male singer is a/the problem though.

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i have a problem with men going on about female’s bodies in songs and wanting to have sex with them,. I don’t like that it feels like we are sex objects…am i being too negative?


I can name songs I enjoy, but not artists.

I loathe Pink. :sweat_smile:

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Bonnie Raitt all the way!

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Ah, well, we can’t all agree on music tastes, that’s why we have so many artists and types.


Maybe I just need to be more accepting of the nature of humankind…i honestly don’t know

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I mostly listen to edm and the majority of that is female sung vocalists

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@Zoe for myself, I’d rather listen to songs about love sung by members of either gender than something I’d consider downright evil. You see, there was a girl I became obsessed with my 2nd time in the psych ward, and I started calling her and once said I’d just listened to a Marilyn Manson album. As if she didn’t hate me at that point enough. People have complimented me with the covers I’ve done because I play and sing from the heart. It was bands like Radiohead, U2 and Coldplay that I credit with giving me my conscience back.


you are so lucky you can sing, very nice.

I wish I could but I have no confidence for it yikes

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I have no preference between a male or a female voice in any song. I like Linda Ronstadt, and I like Dr. Hook. I like a song if it has something that strikes me inside. If you want to hear the greatest love song of all time listen to Dr. Hook’s “Sweetest of All”.

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i think it is just because i could never have sex with someone who prioritises a magazine body over everything else (or so it seems)

and because i could not have sex with someone without a connection that is more than just looks, like casual sex or whatever it is called,

but that is just me,


it occurs to me that i never jotted down a love song, i write outlaw songs, and adventure songs, and free spirit songs. maybe because i’ve only been in love once years ago and she didn’t love me back.

I’m friends with song writers and musical artists locally. Their songs are mainly calculated to resonate with listners and get them some cha-ching in their bank accounts.

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