Do you tend to overshare?

  • Yes
  • No
  • I’m not sure

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I know I’m bad at small talk, which I’m working on, but I’m also an oversharer.

When I’m asked a question, my brain wants to answer honestly every time. At no point do I think, well I don’t have to give out this information just because someone asked, or craft a less detailed, more socially appropriate response—which is what the person is looking for anyhow, unless they’re a close friend.

People at work always comment about how quiet I am. I think this is part of the reason I tend to keep my trap shut. I feel like I make a fool out of myself every time. :woman_facepalming:t2:


I have random things to say but because of how I am I often feel uncomfortable with what I’ve shared and have to go back and delete or Edit things.

I want to become more confident in what I share without feeling I need to go back and edit things.

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I wish I could do this in real life

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Sometimes I think I should stop posting on here because I fundamentally always am tempted to overshare.

But that idea fundamentally makes me feel uneasy.

If I’ve stopped posting you know why :woman_shrugging:


Ya I do but I’m getting better at helping myself. Most of the fear is gone. No need to overshare anymore. I’m honest and open with my schizophrenia, probably why I have zero friends but I’m okay with that. Most people with autism or aspergers want friends but I realize at 31 years old I already had enough of them and experienced some friendships. I don’t trust most folks especially college aged kids anymore. Very immature mostly. This forum is pretty good for schizophrenics for the most part. I’ve been and seen worse things like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc. Bitchute seems okay but then most folks get little views there and it tends to be mostly angry conservatives and conspiracy theories, but I like the p2p technology behind it and I think blockchain technology can help the big tech censorship of conservatives by making it resistant to censorship from the left and big tech elite or technocracy.

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I don’t think anyone on this site has the ability to affect my life in some negative way unless I get WAY out of bounds. I probably share more here than I share with the group at the assisted living center where I live.


I use to, but I learned to temper myself, Most people don’t share my sense of humor.

And if they know I have schizophrenia they’ll just assume I’m nuts, even if they would give the benefit of the doubt to a regular person for saying the same thing.

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I hope you don’t stop posting @Zoe! The forum would miss you. Plus you always have the option to delete or edit what you post.

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I can. I’ve gotten better in some contexts, like with family, but my first impulse is to be honest and forthcoming. I often regret it.

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I do sometimes. But to a person not living with mental illness, me talking about my delusions and voices can be considered over sharing. I remember over sharing more (on Facebook) when I was younger and possibly over medicated. Anyway, I cringe at some of my older social media posts that pop up.

In real life, I want to over share. And I used to be much more open in the past.

Now I’ve become very private in real life. I wish I wasn’t. I think it comes down to the fact I have trust issues now. I’m afraid if I share too much it’ll come back to haunt me somehow.


Yea same here… Idk how exactly. But I just feel like I’m putting a bad spell on myself by oversharing. It is a limitation perhaps.

Thanks @anon1517417 :slight_smile:

I think the admin team was getting tired of all my edit and delete requests so I try to be a bit more careful now…


I share what I want to share. But I’m good at not making it uncomfortable for others.

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I tend to do so when I’m talking with people I trust. I rarely overshare with people I don’t know or don’t know well.

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I’m very introverted. I share but with people I feel comfortable around. I kind of keep things to myself mostly.


Sorry for the late reply to this thread.

I just took a pee…removed spinach from my teeth…and squeezed a large pimple on my butt, but no…

I don’t think I overshare too much.


There’s a very popular subreddit for that and also a very successful youtube channel.


I read this quickly and thought it said you removed spinach from your butt. :flushed:


As weird as it sounds off meds and on low dose meds I overshare and I cant keep a secret as I say everything that passes in my head.

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Irl I share very little unless it’s a person in my close family circle.

Online I am a moderate sharer.


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