Do you take antidepressants and are you happy?

I take trazedone for sleep but it is an antidepressant. Although I only take 50 mg which I don’t know if it qualifies as technically an antidepressant dose, it still helped me get out of a depression. But I also have a few friends I see, i have web development as a hobby (Which I hope to make a career) and I also go on alot of walks.

I don’t take antidepressants, but I do take a B-vitamin complex every few days. My mood is pretty good, in spite of how my life turned out.

antidepressants take away the pain, but i still feel the normal range of emotions like sadness and sometimes happiness

I take a low dose of Celexa everyday and I am quite content with my life. And my whole life has been extremely tragic. From childhood and adult physical and sexual abuse, to divorce, to my son coming down with sz, to the death of my son, to multiple broken romantic relationships, to losing my career, I’ve experienced everything. And somehow, after it’s all said and done, I’m not depressed or suicidal anymore. Celexa is a great drug.

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I take Wellbutrin- 100mg which I believe is the lowest dosage. After my psychosis and me stabilizing I got hit with a pretty severe depression which consisted of low energy, sleeping a lot, feeling heavy and sad emotions, loss of interest in a lot of things and most of all feeling hopeless.

I pushed through it for a couple of months hoping it was temporary because even going to the gym wasnt helping too much. I didn’t want to take another medication but eventually my psychiatrist prescribed me Wellbutrin and it made a huge difference. I took it for a couple of months and was feeling like I was back to normal and recently decided to stop taking it and went cold turkey. I know I should have tapered off slowly but I thought it was a low dose and my depression should be gone by now but unfortunately it came back and now I’m taking it again.

I’m not particularly happy or sad just existing for now but it does make a difference in how I was feeling which is a lot better than before. I try to be thankful for everything I have and the fact I’ve been stable for almost a year now but there is still this weird hollowness that I have. I work so that helps me pass the time but it’s an uphill battle everyday.

I believe you have to cultivate the happiness that all of us are searching for which is my goal. I can sit still and just enjoy now doing anything where before the Wellbutrin I would have a hard time and feel anxious. Life is definitely not the same but I’m hanging in there and with time things have gotten a lot better than before. I still sleep a lot but I continue to hope that it continues to get better with time even more.

I take antidepressants but they sure don’t make me happy. But I am much worse without them.

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i aint happy at all, but i think thats the lot for most sz

I’m on Mirtazapin, it’s like many say. It doesnt make me happier but it removes the suicidal thoughts. Which is why I keep taking them. Plus the Mirta is sedating so I can fall asleep.

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I was on Zoloft and it made me paranoid, unable to sleep and suicidal, i very nearly died. since then decided unhappiness wasn’t so bad after all. i’m not sure if that’s common or not. It’s probably the exception, not the rule.
If you’re not happy, definitely try another, maybe you’ll find something that helps a lot! Remember happiness is never constant, even for “normal” people, but there should be a level of joy in your day, at times. or at least the opportunity to feel it. lack of emotion isn’t how it should be, or dulled emotions. To be happy all the time is unrealistic though.