I really liked both shows. One reason why I liked both shows is because I was lonely, back then.
Yes. That was back when MTV was cool.
Haha I was just reminiscing last night about the dating shows on MTV called “room raiders”, “next” and “date my mom” I think that’s all of them…
Lol I was almost afraid to indulge in self pleasure because of the blacklight. I think it was on the show “Next”? One of the contestants would go to the prospective date’s house and use a blacklight in the dark all over the room to look for any stains. What a weird thing to have on a show lol.
Also I saw cribs and remember when visiting other people’s housed they’d often open the door and say, “This is my crib.” Then give a tour and say, “This is where the magic happens.” In their bedroom.
Oh yeah I remember The Real World but not the other show. It was always kinda amusing. Snl did a pretty funny skit making fun of some people who were in the first Real World.
Never had access to MTV up in Canada. We had MuchMusic which, uh, left “much” to be desired.
Wouldn’t it be great if they could release all the old seasons with the original music? I would love that.
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