I get that. But actually, it’s not that one is contained within the scope of the other.
They are – if you spend enough time being with them both in detached observation (which is something one cannot possibly communicate to another who has not practiced Vipassana meditation for some time) – mutually separate and distinct experiences that have only to do with each other grammatically.
Experientially, they are wholly diverse. One is emotionally loaded and driven by introjected beliefs normalized in the cult-ure. The other is simply a state of being by oneself.
Nevertheless loneliness can often be an outcome of aloneness even if it is often episodic rather than continuous.
I am alone 99% of the time but I don’t feel lonely 99% of the time. I think choosing to be alone(think schizoid personality) is different from being alone through social interaction problems related to SMI or something like autism.
We may never agree; I understand that. But what I also came to understand (by refusing to shrink from any emotion) is that loneliness is an invention of the mind built on the ■■■■ we are programmed to believe by those who profit from our conditioned stupidity. There is actually No Such Thing. There is only being alone… and what we make of it.
If you look and listen long enough, you will come to see that we were all instructed, conditioned, habituated, socialized and normalized into what is for must people an invisible state of submission to authority that slowly drives us to buy one thing and another to fix us.
If you fearlessly dig into people like Robert Sapolsky, M. Scott Peck, Albert Ellis, Martin Seligman, Alice Miller, Eric Hoffer, Jules Henry, C. Wright Mills, Max Weber, Thorstein Veblen, Jacques Lacan, Sigmund Freud, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Joel Kramer, Arthurd Deiikman, Charles Tart, Stuart Ewen, and, and, and, you will come to understand the nature of how society really works.
Most people will not, however, because they rely on the consensus of social proof, and it is crucial to them that they continue to believe the fairy tales told to them by the “authorities.”
We are only sick because we close our minds to what is readily available to wake us up from the consensus trance.
On this, and some other but not all things, I guess we do intellectually part company. . For me there is a difference between aloneness and loneliness and one can but does not always go with the other. Intellectually I don’t dismiss loneliness as something people experience because it may be argued that it is a state of mind.
Nowadays I live with my parents. The reason is the schizophrenia; I can not work, have girlfriend or have friends, but I am working in my therapy so, in near future I hope I can achieve my goals.
I see it more as a feeling brought about circumstance rather than an interpretation of events. I think sometimes we can get into intellectually attributing more than there is to attribute and stepping into the emperor’s new clothes.
I’m aware enough to know it’s a very contentious area in terms of interpretation(as anything of an intellectual bent tends to be). I don’t profess to being an expert though.
What makes you think you’re an expert? Do you have any objective as supposed to subjective grounds( think mania-which sometimes your posts point to) for believing that?
I know you have read a lot of books but does that necessarily bestow “expert” status?
I am very set in my ways, and as this disorder has progressed I am more engrained now than when I was raising my kids. This way, I can do as I please, when please and do not keep to a normal schedule, the only thing that is consistent is my therapy appointments.