Do you like spicy food?

i like spicy food. don’t eat it alot, but ive developed a tolerance to spicy foods from when i was younger. dad always thinks mild foods are spicy and i barely even notice them.


I love spicy food. Yummy! One of my favorites is jalapenos on hotdogs or brats.



Yes, I like spicy food. I order Thai and Indian food hot. It’s really good


I do but lately my gut can’t take much


Yeah, I love it
Especially Indian vegetarian


i love thai food. was sad when the place in my hometown went out of business. but they were replaced by a bicycle shop so i couldn’t be too sad.


yeah i hear it can be bad for the stomach, maybe causing ulcers?


My favorite Thai dish is Vegetable curry (red curry). What’s yours?


i don’t know the name of the dish. at the restaurant in my hometown, you would pick a meal and then they had a numbered spice you could get. i would always ask for a 6 in terms of spicyness, i would get rice and vegetable with whatever sauces they put on it. it’s been about 8 years since i’ve had thai food.


I’ve been having medical issues that are not good. Tomorrow I see the dr to discuss some bad bloodwork. it’s a little scary right now. Elevated parathyroid hormone which happens often with kidney disease. I’m a bit worried.


It’s been a year for me. I also get the hottest available. So good!

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Good luck with your appointment @FatMama. Please keep us posted


o sorry to hear that. that would be worrying. im hopen all will be alright. you’ll be in my thoughts and prayers friend.

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Used to get this spicy general tso dish at my favorite Chinese restaurant when I lived and worked in the city. It was fun watching the dude cook it in a wok with all the peppers and sauce mixed in. It definitely had a kick to it.

Every try any hot sauce with the fabled Ghost Pepper @Lifer

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haha never tried the ghost pepper. what about you? cayenne is about as hot as i’ve had, which isnt too much.

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Love it :heart:

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I like flavoursome food more than spicy/hot food . The latter can be a one dimensional culinary experience; with the unsubtle spiciness dwarfing all else.

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Never have. When you read the Scofield scale and see where the ghost pepper is compared to a habanero pepper I already start sweating.

That’s gotta be some wicked stuff.

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Yeah I love spicey food.

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u gotta try sport peppers on hot dogs. its one of the ingredients in chicago dogs