Do you like pineapple?

I am trying to get healthier… my snacks are now pineapple, watermelon and my breakfast is banana and yogurt…

I am not smoking or drinking. My drinking is occasional…

I am happy :slight_smile:


Pineapple is tasty.

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I love ice cold pineapple juice

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I love fresh pineapple, not a fan of canned.


I have not had any canned pineapple for a very very long time. I think last time I only used it in an upside down pineapple cake like 5 years ago.

How much do you pay for a big fresh pineapple in your country?


I love pineapple, it just doesn’t like me anymore. It brings me out in a rash around the eyes. I loved it as a kid at the village pub I’d have pineapple juice instead of coke… :sob:

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Ahaha!, now I will think of this song whenever I buy a pineapple.

Oh No! What if I suddenly break out in the pineapple pen dance at the grocery store. :flushed:


OMG if I saw that at the grocery store I would die laughing. That’s exactly something my daughter and I would do when we’re both hypomanic at the same time. Then I would be embarrassed later, but she would call me her hero. Gotta love mania.

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It is okay but I dont like the texture of it.

I prefer smooth fruits like mango and strawberries :strawberry:

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yummmm!!! I love mango too

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I think last week when I got one it was $3.95. i think.

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I love pineapple and watermelon. I’m trying to eat healthy too

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£1 per pinapple


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