Do you like money..?

I like money… more than I used to anyway. I don’t gamble though… I try to work more. I was a simpler person before. More money = more clothes = more travel = more makeup.

mo money=mo problems


What kind of work do you do?

Graphic design and makeup

I have no artistic talent lol

Nope, hate it. It never motivated me.

I wish I had more so I could do the sports I enjoy!

It would also mean I could put better flooring down in my flat!

just another form of government mind control

Yes. Probably because I don’t have enough of it.

I don’t put it over people or awesome experiences though.

Trump will make America great again.

unfortunately successful people impress others and people who have money, live better lives most of the time.
I’ve been poor, I’ve been fine, I’ve been happy, I’ve been sad. I have once worried about money and I do not want it to happen again. Just obsession about money is a little embarrassing. If you tell someone you like to make a lot of money, they will be impressed by you. Not that I care, but I like to make money because I want to enjoy my life and afford things I want. when passion and career collide, you will be content.

A great embarrassment maybe…

i like money and honey

call me old-fashioned, but I like gold better

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