I hate being alone.
My mom is taking baby human outside to feed the animals and I’m inside by myself cooking dinner. Even this I don’t like.
I hate being alone.
My mom is taking baby human outside to feed the animals and I’m inside by myself cooking dinner. Even this I don’t like.
Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I wouldn’t want to be alone all the time but sometimes I enjoy my solitude.
I like being alone. But I’m 53.
When I was in my 20s, I felt just like you described. I hated it.
Im 39 and i dont like being alone. It causes my anxiety to increase.
I like solitude.
I actually don’t mind it. But, I look forward to hanging out with people.
I like to be by myself.
When I first came out of psychosis I was in terrible fear of being alone. Now it’s like EVERYONE GO AWAY LOL
I like to be with certain family members once in a while but not all the time
I’m more of an introvert than extrovert. Though I do enjoy being around people at times. Depends on my mood.
Yes 10000000000015
I’m 64, and I prefer to be alone. That might change if I didn’t have my computer and tv. I suppose I could find a good book to read.
No I hate being alone
i like being alone
I only time I feel normal is when I’m alone
I like being alone as I was left out from the beginning. It became my best friend eventually and travelling with me and guiding me and fighting me.
at night, like right now I like it…but I am not alone in life, I’m married, I don’t do well alone on my own…need someone.
Ive got used to being alone. I can quite easily not see a soul for a month. But the brother rings every day, and ive got the computer for company.
I get thought broadcasting sometimes when im outside, or think people are talking about me and taking the mick. So its less of a headache to stay indoors.
Its rare i get dressed either. I live in PJ’s lol.
Ive had women stay over - but they wind me up after a few days.