Do you have trouble with eye contact?

I’ve heard that’s something szs have trouble with, but I don’t really, I like making eye contact.


Usually I stare at the mouth of the
person who talks with me


Schizophrenics tend to do eye contact in unusual ways.

I stare at people.


When I was hospitalized in 2016 my assigned psychiatrist commented that I had poor eye contact.

As I recall I had trouble looking at the doctor directly.


I can look at people when they are talking but not when I am talking.


Interesting… @anon1517417


No issues with that here.


I think if I’m feeling attractive, it is easier when I’m having a fat day, or a spotty day, it is harder.

Some people have a much more penetrating look than others so then I need to catch a break.


Less so on medication. Took years of practice because of Asperger’s…I tend to stare now, which can get you beat up by the wrong person, which sucks…


No never told I had that issue.


I think that comes with social anxiety but I don’t have that


Your eye contact is not well modulated with your speech and you avoided eye contact with your good eye by looking sideways



I have a huge problem with eye contact :eyes:.


Definitely. Something I’m always working on.

This is also a specific issue to schizophrenia. There are many scientific articles discussing cognitive issues with eye tracking, and eye gazing interpretation with schizophrenia. Basically people with schizophrenia have jittery eye movements, and bad eye tracking. This causes our eyes to move around more, and makes it harder to look at one thing in the same place for a long time.

Also, social anxiety, if you have it will make eye contact much harder as well. I do.

Here’s one scientific article about it. Eye Tracking Dysfunction in Schizophrenia Many studies have been done about this.
A quote from this study:

Eye tracking dysfunction (ETD) is one of the most widely replicated behavioral deficits in schizophrenia and is over-represented in clinically unaffected first-degree relatives of schizophrenia patients.


Me too man…

In real life I get like a cross reference feeling that others do unto me,like they are parsing words and the eye movement that corresponds.

I like similes historically and analogies and I guess if I’m being self deprecating I’ll tell you that when I was healthy I’d drop the occasional double entendre! Ahaha

Ahhhh, but it broke down mentally and now I feel like those pour out of my eyes subconsciously!

The worst thing about it is I hurt people’s feelings sometimes, It’s ok if I flatter and feel bad there, usually I get an elegant type feel back; a let down like ‘I’m spoken for’…

but sometimes it goes the other way… and that’s harder to stomach.

I insult men too… but I guess ‘feet to fire’ it’s not as acute.

Imagine trying to earn a living when this goes down or you fear it could happen at any random interval! It was torture.

I think I got better but am slow to try the water again.

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I think I have trouble with this.

Ive has that problem before sz

Yeah, people hate it when I reach over and touch their eyeballs.


From my experience it’s the other person’s problem - especially with waiters. They’ll not give me a menu so I’ll give them a small tip

At one time when I was doing better I started meeting peoples eye as I passed by it gave me a lot of confidence.

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