Do you have a social life?

I have a full social life. It is getting harder now that we are hitting the age where people move around though

My only regular social life is spending time with my husband. I talk regularly to my mom and occasionally to my sister. I have one friend who I met through an outpatient support group starting in 1993. I haven’t seen her in seven years though (we live 2 1/2 hours apart now), but we regularly e-mail once or twice a month.

I had one friend I made when I worked at the university, but she doesn’t know about my sza so I stopped talking to her. Not in a rude way, just stopped calling and eventually she stopped too. I don’t want to tell her, so I just let it be silent now. She would probably say we are still friends, but I haven’t talked to her in about two years.

I have no social life, work and home

Somewhat. I have friends from school and church and am volunteering soon. My interview is this week for a retreat for troubled women to help out. also like going out for coffee and out with friends. I hope to travel someday with my friends.

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Thank you everyone for sharing. It really helps. By the way has anyone here participated in studies on schizophrenia?

I’ve participated in a lot of studies on schizophrenia. Feel free to ask questions. If you live in the Boston area I can connect you to high paying ones if you like

Not really. I make small talk with my neighbors everyday and I have a good friend I see maybe several times a year. Otherwise it’s through the library and my many relatives in town.

I’m looking forward to moving to my dad’s house where I will have two :dog2: and two :cat2: for company.

Sounds exactly like me, a good day is some small talk at Starbucks with the barista when I make my order. The walks are my only connection to being around people besides family.

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