Do you guys still smoke pot?

Why pass up a viable plant with qualities. Meds come in mg amounts, you wouldn’t overdose on your meds - most people smoke generally in much more “mg” than they need. People are totally dismissing a plant because they are not ingesting it right at the level of tolerance.



i’m the only person in my family that doesn’t. My dad has schizoaffective disorder like me and he use to smoke a lot of pot and my brother has bipolar with psychotic features. They both believed pot cured them, my dad quit pot after his last hospitalization when he couldn’t breathe because he punctured his lung. my brother still smokes and gets incredibly moody without it.

When they did smoke they both got extremely paranoid and their psychotic symptoms showed up in full force. they fought like you wouldn’t believe.

I feel like that’s much turmoil for you. How did you cope?

Never did, Nor did anyone in my family. Our parents must’ve done some things right. Actually, they were incredibly lucky with me.

i had depression growing up so I didn’t cope well, but most of the time I spent alone in my room.

Never smoked pot but would like to to calm my nerves

Had some about 4 years ago. Complete paranoia - not even slightly interested in starting again. I think pot is very bad for those have psychosis.


have tried it, too calm the nerves, aka reduce the stress.
and have read an article about pot helping the pschychotic behaviour.
Yet it makes me really psychotic. no thank you

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ok i get it. yep.

If I happened to take in the future, is there anything I could take to counter the paranoia?

From a Christian perspective, you might benefit from what Fr. Anthony de Mello had to say about meditation in his books.


Interesting of you to mention that. Back when I was religious, I did a Jesuit retreat that was very similar to CBT in that you would write a certain negative thought that you experience and mark every time you experience it as a dot on a line, and then you meditate on why you experienced that thought. Over the course of a week you work to gradually decrease that thought or behavior. I just think it’s interesting the parallels between certain religious traditions (such as Mesoamerican psychedelic ceremonies) and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

I just a took a vapor hit relaxing texting friends. Life is good. Pot is not for those who are already in the state of psychosis. You need to be stable for years preferred. I’ve been in recovery for 15 years. And pot is not a threat in management of my illness.

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Paranoia is inherent in you. If your paranoid and you smoke pot you will still be paranoid. But be hopeful it’s not uncommon for sz people to gradually become resilient to paranoia with tools being their medication like I take fluphenazine for my psychosis and it does its job whether I smoke pot or not. Pot is not an extrapyramidal thing like Haldol mixed with another typical antipsychotic it will attach to your bodies natural CBD receptors you were born with. If you take celexa with risperidone that is a major extrapyramidal QT prolongation drug interaction. I’ve been affected with in the past. It’s unpleasant. I’ve stayed awake for nights as it affects heart rhythm. And sudden death can occur. be smart and study drug interactions about the meds you take since they could have moderate interactions whether they pertain to you or not you may be unaware of it.

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I appreciate your reply but I’m not a Christian.

Yes, I have other anxiety-ptsd stuff going on that I can’t find anything else to work with except medicinal cannabis. I deal with the paranoia, like I’ll stay inside and watch episodes of it’s always sunny in philadelphia until I’m not that high anymore. I avoid public or I’ll just go for a quick walk through my neighborhood and come back home.

For me, frankly, it helps, more so than the anti-anxiety, anti-depressants, mood stabilizers…I no longer self harm and that’s been the case whenever I smoke pot.

My case in unusual though, I heard from other sz’s that it made them want to pull their hair out (sad!)


Am I the only one who actually benefits from weed? It makes my SZ symptoms go away for a while and it also stops my Tourette’s from acting up. I’m not suggesting it to anyone because everyone reacts differently, but it helps me tremendously. Why no one else?


No, I smoked it once or twice and recognized the euphoria I sometimes experience without drugs and decided it wasn’t a good idea.

It helps me deal with reality when I smoke it. But it makes my paranoia worse and makes me hallucinate more. And it makes me more passive. I am trying to quit but I am addicted to weed. I do feel like some here who are categorically against it should reconsider their point of view, but addiction is harmful and I would like to stop mine.

Goes a long way towards explaining why you can’t quit cigs. You’re conditioning your brain to continue its addictive behaviour patterns. Quite likely you’re also using cigs as a tactile and emotional replacement for pot when you don’t have access to it since they have identical delivery mechanisms.
