Do you feel some people tend to give you anxiety?

I can’t reframe my mind in order to focus on the good and happy sometimes because these people circulate in the mind… has anyone been here and what helps you out of this situation?

“Coughs” um, I’m asking for a friend :joy:


Yes… Many people for many different reasons. But ultimately it’s my problem not there’s.

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Sometimes I feel I’m too needy and sensitive with a person. So then I feel anxiety cos they don’t feel the same and it hurts. Doesn’t have to be a bf btw

Sometimes I just feel like I’m not good enough.
But you are what you think…

It’s a good question.

Do you know why you think you may get anxiety with some ppl?

Sometimes I get a bad gut feeling about someone, in terms of compatability with me. As friends or whatnot.

Yeah @Zoe i feel I’m too sensitive at times and a bit needy, but then again I isolate sometimes.

But aside from that people make me tired at times, but I try and find meaning with interactions.

How far have you come on your journey if you don’t mind me asking?

Mine was deny, deny, accept, issues occurring, forget about it (deny) and here we are today lol.
With work friends and ups and downs thrown in there.

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Unless you see them every day, you only have to temporarily put up with them
once they’re gone they are out of your life
what’s left in your head is an incomplete impression, not the actual person

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@screwercs thats pretty deep man!

Letting a person live rent-free in your head is your own decision to make.

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I like things finished @screwercs @Patrick . So unfinished business is new to me so my mind tries to close it.

But you guys are right, that’s up to me to work on. I’m still a work in progress. But you have to admit some people are like clouds, once they F off it’s a beautiful day!

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all people give me anxiety. idk what to say most of the time and almost all of my social interactions irl i feel awkward then it turns into something i think back on later and am disappointed with myself because i finally had enough time to think about what i should have said or done

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I think living in the moment and not dwelling in the past is what you’re looking for I think @cigarino . I have trouble distinguishing the two, but my psych said I can interpret reality and be aware of the present though sometimes it may not appear as such

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I’m right at the start tbh. I only just hit rock bottom recently
I also made a therapy assessment appointment for 29 April hope I get it :slight_smile:

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Ofc. When person is arrogant or rude or smth else (I noticed it while working in a bookstore)
These type of ppl give me anxiety.
Some also are so mysterious or… in other words unexplainable and it also causes anxiety

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There’s one person who I can only stand a couple of hours a week. He stresses me out because he’s so angry all the time. I really hate how he acts.

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Yes, I know someone who makes my skin crawl. They’re always on the lookout to see how to take some kind of verbal dig at you. I hate them.

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Yes and some people for no reason

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@Crystal-Cotton @HyperactiveNectar @Patrick @Zoe @cigarino @everhopeful

Have you guys found a way to make yourselves feel better in these situations?

I tend to fall for their games but sometimes I win sometimes I lose, but it happens more than I would like, I assume it’s because I look different to them, what are your takes on this?

Here I am dwelling on the negatives again! I am just getting used to my new medication. Hope you guys have a good day…


"Never argue with fools. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain.

That’s the best advice I can give right now.

@everhopeful I’ve also got “play silly games, win silly prizes” but in the moment I just wanna feel good. :crazy_face:. But I don’t engage with these idiots all the time sometimes I ignore and they get cut.

Anywho let me focus on what I have to, got a fair bit going on through I’m not working! I appreciate your comment. Ty

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If they are trying to pull me down, it shows more about them than me. They are projecting insecurities onto me, yes it is not my problem. :+1:

@Dudenotperfect, try not to let their problem become your problem :sun_with_face:

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Thanks everyone I hope I could add your thoughts to my situations. Peace!

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