Do you ever think the government scrutinises this forum? .....tinfoil hat time!

I am feeling bad at the mo. Have got it in my head government agents are watching the forum.

I know this sounds like I am part of the tinfoil hat brigade - suppose it just my default setting when ■■■■ hits the fan!

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government agents aren’t watching the forum @Jimbob I assure you. I hope you get to talk with your pdoc about this. Sounds like you need more meds or a different combo of meds.? good luck man. You’re a good guy.


People watch of course.

Im sure whoever knows bout them greys and old pan could be watching from time to time. Not to mention the shadow folk runnin round, people who knows bout dem could be watchin.

Why? Do you know to much? People that know to much may come under scrutiny.

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@Jimbob don’t worry about the above post. Pans you shouldn’t try and scare jimbob. He’s not well, and I doubt you are well either…that’s not a criticism. I just think we need less fearful thoughts like what you posted when a person isn’t completely stable.


I wonder how much they’d pay those agents per hour to keep an eye on us dangerous characters. You think they’ll get $15.00/hr? :wink:


Am just feeling a bit bad. When I am like this I get a thousand thoughts a second and I have a very hard time judging reality.

My uncooperative brain has a BSOD and reboots with all the usual paranoid stuff. To be honest I am pretty bored with the part of my brains which generates this kind of ■■■■. Same stuff every time.

Hey @Twang. Here in the uk the government goes on a big drive to recruit spies etc. Is supposed to be a really boring job - listening to calls and reading email all day.

I used to think that I’m not even going to mention what.

But I can reassure you they have more pressing matters out there.
Just in the news world governments caught terrorists. So we can celebrate that people are looking out for the world to protect it.

And we don’t have to worry about that because : It’s not OUR job. Our job is just to be well. :grinning:


It’s hard to get anyone to do it?

No, they are not watching or reading this, say again No, nope, no.


i hope you are feeling better today :heart:
take care :alien:

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I think a lot of folk think of James Bond when they think about spying. Unfortunately the reality is very different.

increase the med and see the doc.It is a delusion.
hope you will be better soon.
blessing from China


I think the Government’s Sanitation Department might be looking into all of my awful jokes on this site. lol!

But aside from that, you don’t have anything to worry about, Jimbob. Your mind is just in overdrive on this one.


This place is owned by a group that considers themselves ABOVE government laws.

Yes. That is Mafia. :sunglasses: :smoking:


Good night sarad :sunglasses:

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Good morning Jon. :smoking:

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these folks are “holy” and above the usual degeneracy.

They are in my book worse than the worst gangbangers because at least they(bangers) use Gods name to further their goals.