is it just me or do others also feel this way sometimes? judy
I lead a simple life. But when something unexpected happens I tend to get overloaded. It takes a lot of willpower to keep things steady then.
with me is if i feel overloaded emotionally… my mind can’t process it fast enough or well enough. judy
I do, a lot. Compared to how fast I used to process stuff, now it’s sad. I feel disabled and held back.
Not anymore.
I guess I’m just used to it now.
Hang in there. Things will get better.
i remember when i first felt so sick with sz and disabled i felt too. then the sz diagnosis. it made me feel doomed and for life. like it was all over and forever. but my life has been picking up for the last 10 years or so quite a bit. how about you? am i the only one who was down there in the low level of life for about 30 years? judy
Ever since I got sick I do. I have bp1 but while I was getting sicker my brain functioned less and less the way it used to. I lost nearly everything. Mental illness does that. I was told to reinvent myself.
I have to add that the AP meds made me think clearer though. Just never back to normal
I get a head full of friction. It’s like I’m being told not to go there mentally. Like my mind has a boss who doesn’t want me to know much.
Same here . It’s undoubtedly a less high powered life than the average person .
Sometimes. However, I’m already disabled and some people with my physical condition have autism or some form of mental health condition. So…not new to us MD folks.
When something horrible happens, it’s hard not to get sad or weak. And that’s what’s happening to me.
My structure of thinking has changed its really strange how it works now like I’m thinking out loud in my mind I am not the biggest fan
I still can’t get used to taking meds consistently.I do feel different around my work and home
I have accepted my fate a long time ago and so now my existence doesn’t seem so hopeless…took a long time to feel nice again…it can be done.
My answer is yes. But my mother still wants them to give me another 7 rounds of ect.
A head like a hole already ma
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