Do you care what people think? Poll

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

This is one of my biggest problem wich is slowly fading away.

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It really depends

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I care deeply what other people think. And I care deeply how they feel. It is important to me that people feel comfortable around me and that I am being considerate of their beliefs and values. We have a small world and we all have to find a way to get along. However if someone is not being equally considerate then I will go about my business without their approval.


I wish I could do that.
Fuk me, I’m a ppl pleaser
I just like it when I can help people
I like to make then like me also.

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Yes, it does feel nice to be liked. But we have to find a way to be true to ourselves in order to be happy.


I am always true to myself
But I’m empty, Im inclined to nihilism (without wanting to) so I really don’t care.

But when somebody needs help or some thing done if I do it I feel like I have a purpose. It is true that’s on the moment but it’s better then nothing

Do you understand @Leaf?

You seem smart and down to earth

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I don’t care what people think about some things, but other things I do care. I am not as in tune with fashion and contemporary art as I am with other things, but I do care about what people think of my intelligence and creativity.

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Yes, I see. There’s nothing wrong with the way you go about things. If you are happy and helping people I think that’s awesome. I’m not a happy person right now so don’t go by what I say. My way obviously isn’t working. But I’m slowly making changes so hopefully soon I will be an expert on happiness and I can start a booth at a fair and charge 5 cents per visit to hand out advice lol.


I care far to much about what people think. I even care what all of you think because I have really bad grammar and I always panic before pressing reply. I know it’s stupid but I have been like that all my life.


I just live my life on my own, try not to get in anyone’s way, sadly these day to many people worry about what others do to much


Lol lol
You made me laugj

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Hugs man
Here for you :hugs:

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Thank you that means alot.

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The older I get the less I care but it sometimes still gets to me.


Actually I’m my own worst critic

So I care more about how I think of myself

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I do. I want to understand people and the way they think and believe.

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I voted no because I dont want to care about what other people think. I feel that caring about what others think makes me feel too insecure.

I just dont want to worry about why people dont like me

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I voted no since I don’t want to care what others think most of the time. I don’t want to be some approval seeking junkie, that would stop me from accomplishing much.

No, I don’t care what people think because it’s their thoughts, not mine. I do kind of care what I think about, but also I think thoughts are somewhat involuntary, much of the time.