I still socialize a lot. I go to the cricket club every week and I still play so that is a team of 11 players. Our club is like 70 players and I’m well known and some people love me and some probably not so. It’s never an issue because you can never please everyone but the people I relate to like me and hold me in some regard.
It pays to be friendly. Most social interaction isn’t about meaning it’s about being social and fitting in. It’s understanding cues and responding in kind. It’s not easy. I’ve had a lifetime of doing it but it eventually becomes natural and it’s something you do like riding a bike. You don’t really think about it!
I know it’s hard. It really is but isolating isn’t any good for anyone. Pay attention and seek out new interactions. You may burn and fail but you may form some decent bonds and that is worth the price of admission!
Totally depends where you are med and stability wise. I’ve just been volunteering and hanging out some at husbands games. I am not trusting atm to have friends, but poker night is coming up so I hope my arm is better
I largely stopped caring what strangers thought of me. If I’m going somewhere to meet people or if I’m going to be having conversations with people I’ll care a little more. But going to the grocery store? Zero ■■■■■to give.
Well that’s why I have to be fake around mother in law. It hurts my husband very much that we fight and he wants me to be the better person…for him. She hates that I can’t have kids, am mentally ill, can’t drive, has flat out said that m not good enough for him! He’s told her repeatedly to respect his choice as a wife; however, I occasionally have to see her and bite my lip
Man most people only size someone else up to reassure themselves that they have no reason to feel dominated… it’s the immature ones who try to be dominant beyond that.
We all like looking good and having a reasonable momentum to ourselves… and it is funny that it’s a fragile state… but that’s how it is for everyone… except for sociopaths. Sociopaths don’t give a ■■■■from the get go.
I care about how people feel about me… but it’s more just to the extent of sorting out whether they want me around or not… I can understand hanging with people who are neutral to my presence… but if I feel like someone doesn’t want me around then I should avoid them. Use that time to go scoping out greener pastures.
Who’s going to read this comment? Ha-ha. Is it important enough? Of course I care what others think of me, yet I can’t read anyone’s mind in the end. My sister has said incredibly hurtful things to me, such as saying I use my illness as an excuse for “bad behavior.” Well, hell, she’s a goddam moron, and I’ve let her have it enough times, too. But just as I don’t really hate her guts, I doubt she hates mine either. Not 100 percent. Funny I should mention her first. I need to make up with her, yet I’m so fearful of her judgment. The resentments are deep and ceaseless. Will we ever heal the breach we’ve created ---- like a blood curse? I kinda doubt it because it’s become so awkward and ever volatile. Well, that’s enough about me.
People giving me constructive criticism is good. It affects me well. But I don’t like it when people come up with unfair reasons to hate me. That is stressful and/or hurtful.
I care what my family thinks of me and we have good relationships. When I was healthier and got out more I smiled and small talked with strangers and have made friends a long the way. But if I didn’t like the person much I didn’t care what they thought of me. I live in a pretty friendly town, cashiers even smile and small talk as well as people on elevators or just outside smoking. I get along well with my hospice team and others that visit me. so yeah generally I do care what they think of me if they are nice people.