Do AP's cause brain damage over time?

He has a right to say what he wants minnii. No offence but this meds are not vitamins. Sure i take them but my libido is decreased a lot its like 15% of what it was before meds, i dont feel as sleepy and tired like before meds. I didnt feel sleepy at all on higher doses. My cholesterol is above limit and i have heightened blood sugar. I also had very little motivation on higher doses and i felt and moved like a zombie. I couldnt think as well as now that im on a low dose.

And there is also td and 1000 other side effects. I read a book that you get with invega and there are like 7 pages of side effects.

So dont try to make meds look good.Sure they help but sometimes the side effects are worse than illness.

Im not against meds, dont get me wrong but i understand why some people take a risk and stop taking them.

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Iā€™m not sure if there is such a thing as permanent damage. The brain will evolve to use other areas more predominantly if another area is less active. My left-brain is extremely active & my right-brain feels shut-down, in a good way.

Well thank you Mmister !!

I am quitting this board, Some people feel that just because they can have an opinion being ā€œPro-Medsā€, others cannot have an opinion against that.

Talk about courtesy.

Take care.

I think the problem is your attitude. Seems like you think weā€™re stupid and reckless for taking meds and that no one should take them. You can ignore that they help people and that a lot of people have almost no side-effects, but telling others how bad they are when you are risking more serious damage to your own brain by not trying them is kind of silly.

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Itā€™s not that I donā€™t know the risks of aps, I know them and Iā€™m scared of them. But you donā€™t see other anti med people here telling others to quit their meds, Iā€™m sorry. I probably should just kept my mouth shut, Iā€™ve been in a bad mood lately.

He does have the right to say what he wants if he crosses the line is the mods job to do so, not mine, youā€™re right


I HAVE tried them. anyways.

You have tried so many thereā€™s no point in trying any new ones?

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People are sometimes allowed to influence others to take these drugs while sauravā€¦ I have been accused of doing the sameā€¦ What responsibility do you take? The Promed admin asked in another sz forumā€¦ What people like saurav and I express may depend on the context

I believe sauravs missing a big point here, his delusions are not as severe as mine for example. He doesnā€™t hear voices or have tactiles or see things. He has persistent delusions and he comes here, expresses them and we say its a delusion and heā€™s strong enough to fight it for a couple of days. I on the other hand hallucinate things people say when theyā€™re talking to me, in context of my delusions to confirm them. I see demons when Iā€™m not medicated. I tried to commit suicide because I didnā€™t want to see them anymore. I need meds. Period. So if there are people out there that can deal with being med free, Iā€™m extremelly happy for them, such luck they have. Not my case and not the case of many others. I will not say anything about this subject anymore, Iā€™m really sick of it already.

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Good point. I know meds arenā€™t the answer for everyone but I wish everyone could be helped as much by them as me.

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@Minnii and other folks.

I wanted to emphasize a few important points

a. I do not want anyone who is taking Medications and has their Delusions/Hallucinations reduced to EVER STOP TAKING MEDICATIONS. I am guilty of writing this earlier and I do apologize again. PLEASE IF SOMETHING HELPS YOU, Stick onto it.

b. I DO COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND how DIFFICULT IT IS to live with the illness. I HAVE DELUSIONS every 2 days and my personal relations with my parents have gone so bad that I COULD BE HOSPITALIZED ANYTIME RIGHT NOW. So much I have fought with my Parents that they actually could send me there. So I KNOW HOW DIFFICULT it is to live with the Illness and why people take Meds.

c. It is ALWAYS a personal choice to take Medications or not and I hope it remains so. Noone should ever convince someone to STOP TAKING MEDS and/or ever force Meds on a non-compliant patient.

d. Besides all this, It is pertinent that MEDS do have side effects (blunting, lack of thinking, Sexual problems, weight gain, increased risk of Diabetes, general weakness of the whole physical human body) and denying it would not make them dissapear. I just made aware people of the side effects.

I AGAIN TRULY APOLOGIZE if I have hurt anyone. I do not also want to post Psychosis inducing posts (Like Rebirth etc) and if someone is troubled by it I will not do it.

Take care all.

You are forgiven.

Good post. That cleared up a few things. I am sorry if I ever made you feel pressured to take meds.

You talk about it, but you never really seem to demonstrate an understanding of the concept.

Good luck on your journey.
