Do antipsychotics make you feel 'normal?'

Thanks. :slight_smile:

I’ll try and put it back again, although I’m not sure if I remember right.

What I said was, I think, that I do NOT believe that nobody should ever use meds. Because sometimes not acting is better than doing something horrible and not feeling is better than being in sheer terror 24/7. That?

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@anon73478309, I remember what you said. You said: Sometimes, it’s better to do nothing than to do horrible things. And sometimes, it’s better to feel nothing than to feel pure terror. And I’ll add, and that’s the difference between taking and not taking psychotropic meds.

Feeling terror is no good, but I’d rather feel terror sometimes than not feeling anything at all all the time.


Not me. Because my terror goes on 24/7 without meds.

I’m sorry to hear that, gina. What helps me is trying to trust in G-d and praying when/if I feel terror, and hoping and praying it’ll pass, and trying to do the best I can to cope with it, if I have to.

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Me too @Igoryok. I rely on prayer a whole lot.


Please be aware that others find the g-d phrase instigating. I won’t say how or what I believe in, but I feel as if I have an obligation to say, cough, cough, afterall it’s free to have volition

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What does volition mean @anon98519533?

Sorry to hear you feel so much terror off meds @SkinnyMe. I’m happy for you meds take that away. And for you to find comfort in prayer. :slight_smile:

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As a young lass, I learned that term in church. Basically you have the power to choose or “using the power of ones will”

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Thank you @anon98519533

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I believe whatever floats your boat, but like to point out things when I feel a trigger and that others might, too.

Thank you @anon73478309

Yes, my three AP’s make me feel normal or almost normal anyway. I don’t have any emotion but, that is way better than having too much. About the only emotion I ever feel is contentment. Isn’t that cool?

I am happy they make you feel near normal. If the other option is “24/7 terror”, being content is a wonderful improvement. I’ve gone from terror to contentment a few times and I was rather grateful for the change. :slight_smile:

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I feel you. I’m on Invega which I believe Risperidone metabolizes into. I regained my interest in music and feelings mostly after quitting Zoloft. But what a great cosmic joke that we end up getting sz and the only thing that helps us also ruins our lives to a degree. I hate antipsychotics.


APs make my behavior more normal, although I don’t feel normal. But it’s better that I act more normally so I will always need APs.

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I am on Latuda and I haven’t dealt with many side effects other than some mild akathisia which is pretty manageable. I felt blunted on it at a higher dose but my pdoc dropped me down to 120mg and that went away. It helps me feel less paranoid and less disturbed in my thinking. I definitely do better on the meds than off of them.

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At my last appointment my stepdaughter said I was very flat emotionally. I pointed out I didn’t have any ambition or much drive. The pdoc said that often went with being on the medication.

Thanks for the replies, everyone. I think I’ll stay away from antipsychotics for the time being and try to do something with my life, G-d willing, and perhaps seek therapy. My pdoc actually recommended me therapy, as well, though she thinks I’ll have to take antipsychotics for the rest of my life. But if they simply do what the Risperdal did/does to me, I think I’ll try and stay off them, G-d willing.

Unless I can find an antipsychotic that doesn’t emotionally flatten/blunt me, but I’m not sure if any of them will actually help me…do me more good than harm.