Disappointed - thought folk outside were talking about me

I was making a cup of tea when I heard folk outside. I thought they were talking about me and almost eavesdropped.

But I caught myself and just drank my tea then put music on.

So in one way disappointed I almost eavesdropped but relieved I didn’t


When I barely hear people talking I always hear them threatening to call the cops on me or something. Lately I’ve been able to calm down by telling myself I’m just making up what I hear.


Yeah my brain was filling in the blanks too.

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My brain does the same thing, I always think people are talking about me.


I always think people have hear muffled talking are all conspiring against me. This was terrible when I was a weed smoker


Ever since people were always talking bout me n Wats on my mind in public during psychosis, I just don’t feel great when walking around outside. It just seems to bring up memories subconsciously n makes me feel uncomfortable


I think people are talking about me too. Like when I hear people laugh I think they’re laughing at me and then I feel like throwing a chair


@bluerose, that is the story of my life. I have been getting super frustrated and want to drench them with a super soaker or something.
Just recently as far as the super soaker thing goes i mean.

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