Did you see your future in mental hospital?

I saw old and schizophrenic ppl in mental hospital, back then I told myself I never want to be like them, I was 22y.o. But now I dont mind, I know that sz will affect me for life.


Well I remember when somebody was talking about their voices, to me these voices were a secret and weren’t supposed to talk about it…

So I told him

“Shhhh… ! Don’t talk about it!”

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The last time I went to the mental hospital, was when I was 19 years old. I hope I will never have to go back to the mental hospital.

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I sincerely hope not. There is so little to do, and even if they have activities I don’t care much for them, can’t cook your own food, and the food they have is usually crap, it just sucks all around. I much prefer living at home.

When I was first diagnosed they put me in a mental health facility for 5 months. I have also spent a weekend and another two 2 week periods in the psych ward at the local hospital. That’s enough for me.


I went to a psych unit for children three times, when I was twelve. I was suicidal, depressed, cut myself, and had an eating disorder. I would lie to the psychiatrist about being better to get out, after a while. Others did this, too.

Nothing was done to treat my self-injury, or my eating disorder; I was given pills, as were the other children. Some children spent most of their time in the shared living room, dozing off, their medications making them sleepy. I think most of us didn’t care for the TV programs that were on before breakfast, but didn’t bother to complain much, or change the channel. We had art therapy. We did school work, which a nun sometimes helped us with. We had group therapy, but hardly any progress was made there. We were rewarded for good behavior with ice cream and a movie; the child with the most points, picked the movie. One that I recall was Star Wars, which I think I picked, at the behest of another child there, not having a preference myself. The other was Finding Nemo; Dory is sad to reflect upon, because she has memory problems, like a fish with dementia, but this is played for laughs.

We weren’t allowed to go outside at all. We had assigned bed time, shower time, and meal times. Once, I shared a room with a charming girl, who reminded me of a former friend, and we hit it off instantly; we didn’t keep in contact, though. (I had similar experiences at summer camp, before that, too.)

They took my Lithium levels in the morning, as I was taking that, then.

My family would visit me, bringing books and food.

I haven’t been back to a psych unit, since I was twelve. I probably never will return to one. They rely too much on medications, in probably most of these, and are inefficient in treating most mental health issues.

I preferred the psych unit to school, however. I didn’t deal well with being bullied that year. I was quite sensitive.


I didn’t think I was really sick in the hospital. I envisioned my life out of the hospital. I thought that I needed to get out of the hospital as soon as possible because my soulmate was leaving his wife for me. I still think that. We’re getting so close! lol

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No, because of how stable I am. Perhaps a senior’s lodge in the future if my heart doesn’t kill me first. I’ve reached the age where I have to think of these things.

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Not really. I kind of suspected it right away but had no clue because all I knew was ‘Hurley’ from Lost having schizophrenia and from googling schizophrenia (wikipedia) and still not understanding it, but was damned to get it eventually, even though I never thought I would get it.


I’m sorry to hear that azizi.iam like that.i don’t see a future.my mum is getting older.

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In a psych unit? Nah no chance. Even when i was in relapse when i was first diagnosed, it was home treatment - with the cpn visiting every day.

Most people recover better at home anyway. Those place are a serious last resort for me.
And i not been in one for 20 years.


Here the mental hospitals will only keep you if you’re a danger

Some people are there for longer if there is a court order or section on them

My longest hospital trip was 4 weeks

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I left psych hospital on March 8 1983, and I’ve not been an inpatient since then… The betting among the psych nurses etc was that I’d be back in within 6 weeks.


Honestly, I see Death as a more possible result of my situation these days. Not suicidal, but I think I’m a far cry from the hospital and would probably get in my car and run away before going back inside. My backup plan is to head to the big river gorge bridge or whatever its name is in West Virginia and take a header off that MF’er. I’ve lost years of my life to hospitals, I won’t do it again.

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my brother said he’ll take me in his house when my mum and dad can’t take care of my anymore… so my future seems ok

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My title wasnt clear I guess, I meant seeing other szics in mental hospital made me feel bad and I told myself its impossible that I am like them and that thats how I will be the future, talking to myself etc

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I’d like to change my answer.

They will use my on paper diagnoses as a weapon against me once my parents are gone and there is no one left to defend me when doctors don’t take me seriously.

Won’t be an acute ward, but some ■■■■ hole care home paid for by the state


I doubt I will ever be like some of the more out there people I saw on the psych ward. I have zero positive symptoms on meds. As far as going back to the psych ward, I don’t see that happening unless I go off meds…then maybe.


Possibly if my Mom or brothers die. Otherwise no.

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Nah never. I wasnt even admitted when i first got diagnosed Sz (in relapse). Just got a weeks worth of Risperadone to wean myself up onto and went home.

They visited every other day tho. Most people like me recover better at home anyway.

I think i manage to say all the right things to keep out of the places. Last visit was 20+ years ago with a BPD dx.

If im too bonkers due to dementia when im an old git - ill just use my PIP to pay for a carer.

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