Did you ever attract the prettist of females...?

did you ever attract the prettist of females…?

I did, but it didn’t last. She preferred a man


I wonder if sz are more likely to be homosexual. Seems that way from the way it looks on this site(going by the percentage that said they were). Maybe they are smarter. I would start to believe most people were. Kinda like how I believed that most people in the US were jewish for a while because I watched a lot of tv and people kept saying they were.

yes but I think :thinking: I prefer men :joy:


I’m doomed to a life of heterosexuality…

Girls always ended up having crushes on me in school. They were always sad that I was batting for the same team as them

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A guy who goes for a pretty girl gets nothing but trouble, but a guy who goes for a nice girl gets at least cab fare.

That is not true!!!

Maybe :thinking: hmmm Not sure which category I fall in or @anon80629714

But I did choose someone nice instead of ‘good looking’ I met someone ‘good looking’ he was ________
Now converting the nice guy into good looking takes a lot of practice.


This is a difficult one. I met a guy and I thought he was good looking … but after it ended I realised he may have been a narcissist. He told me I wouldn’t find anyone like him. Yeah well hope not. But I think his confidence made him look attractive to me.


I look at him now though and think wtf was I thinking lol


I think that I get along better with men,
I wish I were healthy, people start talking to me sometimes even when I don’t initiate it :triumph:
I wish I were healthy and more social

:thinking: I am very glad with my decisions almost I have no regrets as of yet.
But once :thinking: I was with a very VERY good looking guy. I dumped him though because he was a drug addict.
I heard he got married, had a kid or two and now he is divorced.

The other jerk I met, is handsome. I admire him physically but there is just something off mentally. not even in a schizophrenic way which is totally fine, something seriously disturbing.

I am with someone I admire. Just wish he puts a whole lot more effort in the relationship/ and also his lifestyle/physique.
Middle aged men do not have passion to be alive :confused: or change something in their life or have ambition :thinking: . I do not get his actions.



This is just my take on it. Obviously you know you more and the guy you’re with.

You say he doesn’t put in the effort. but does he like you ,? Do you feel it ?

Sometimes people put a lot into relationships in the start … like gifts and are more physical… once that dies down you get to see the real them and what they are like for real.


If I’m honest I wish to be like a couple who’ve been together for 20 years … not someone in their honeymoon period :confused:

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When I was 23 I met the prettiest girl I’d ever seen. Then it turned out she liked me and we went out for about 8 months.


No, not really. But I started gaining weight from meds in my mid teens.

@anon80629714 nah he is still the same as he was when I met him :thinking:
I like the real him.
I am just empty some days and just unstable and that affects our relationship other than the emotional crazy rollercoaster :smile:
It is very difficult to deal with a MI person. I know myself but I have a lot to offer :thinking:

@everhopeful is she the one that ‘got away’ ? that is so cute !

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Now what would I do with pretty females? :sweat: I guess I could befriend them and ask them if they know any funny jokes. :relaxed:

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Back in my younger days I had some pretty good looking GF"S, Once I stopped drinking though they disappeared, Was hanging out with the wrong crowd I guess

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Lol no she isn’t the one that got away. It’s funny because she actually met the one that got away though. That’s a bizzarre memory for me.