Did any of remember it was Juneteenth yesterday?

I don’t remember seeing a post about it. Any which way, a belated Happy Juneteenth to everyone.


What is juneteenth?

I only heard about this new holiday on the news today as the airports had a major fail with people trying to fly on the holidays.

Yesterday is the first I have heard of it.

I just googled i see now

It’s only the 2nd year federally observed as a holiday. Yesterday was Sunday so today banks schools government jobs closed.

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They instituted it last year

Yes, there was a thread about it.


The history of the day Is very moving. It’s been 157 years I believe when the last slaves in Texas understood found out they were free people. There was no internet. Information was slow.


For those who don’t know, it commerates the day slavery ended in the U.S.


Never heard of it to be honest. Is it a holiday only observed in USA?

Biden declared it a holiday last year. It’s a historical day in US history as @77nick77 said about end of slavery.


I noticed, because the Nasdaq was closed.

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